Banned From The Bible - History Channel

by DevonMcBride 21 Replies latest watchtower bible


    I think someone said they wanted to read Enoch. Here's a link to the books of Enoch, free online. Should be the full text:

    and also here:

    This book is very important for understanding all angelic lore since most comes from this book alone. Kabbalists look to this book in a divine nature. If it's truly by Enoch or not is another story. Though when you read the Epistle of Enoch (Book 5) he prophesizes until the times of today, and accordingly if you interpret the 'weeks' he talks about, yet another indication to believe we live in the last days. Reads a lot like Revelation and Jeremiah. Interesting read, enjoy.

  • Sentinel

    Yes, I was able to catch this show. It was most excellent. There has been some really good stuff on lately. One about the Bible Codes, a good presentation about the teachings of heaven and hell too.

    To think that most narrow minded individuals miss out on the opportunity to be able to freely explore these avenues of thought. These shows are not on "sci fi" either. They are presented on The Learning Channel, on MPT, and The History Channel. I think we've moved past mere science fiction in these areas for sure.

    Also NOVA had a special about "The Unification Theory". This was rather deep, but very well presented. Dealing with the theory of relativity and the theory of quantum physics, and how these seem to work individually just fine, but together they do not. Something is missing. It all goes haywire.

    The Unification Theory is not really all that new, but is gaining momentum. The design of the entire universe is believe to be around "strings". These strings are individually unique, and they make "sound". However, if this theory is to be believed, there would have to be at least ten dimensions. I was amazed at how much work is taking place in this arena.


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