Not doubledog dare.
The Earth
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t 28 Replies latest jw friends
I prefer to talk the way people talk in the king james bible
Nay, giveth not that which if holy unto ye dogf, neither caft ye thy pearlf before fwine, left they trampleth them under their feet, and turn again and rendeth you, verily.
Expatbrit (lawks!)
If you do a few sentences in Hebrew I will give you Kesev Gadol -- lila Tov
" U.2.K. Tha Greate$t "; aka FRED HALL? Any of you old H2O groupies have the same suspicion? Sure sounds like one of his alter egos to me.
" U.2.K. Tha Greate$t "; aka FRED HALL?
I've been thinking the same thing.
I dont agree with the jw on everything(some things they say dont make no damn sense)
That's great!! There's still hope for you!! One of the things I disagree with is how they're all hipocrates... What about you u2k? Just curious..
I also can speak in hebrew real good, but that's another story.
Really? Is Hebrew your first language then? Because your English is appalling. Don't be too discouraged though -you're writing complete nonsense anyway, so your spelling and grammar don't really matter.
the earth has a purpose
At least you're right about something.
I've forgot to put the text ! ok there it is :
LOL Avenger !!!