Good God, looks like a tragic case of mistaken catatonia at the Mormon embalmers.
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
Good God, looks like a tragic case of mistaken catatonia at the Mormon embalmers.
I believe in creation, I think they still believe in that. And I believe in a higher power..but certainly not in the JW form. Other than that the golden rule in the form of 'an it harm none do what ye will', and that's about it. Add another to the Pagan tally for this topic.
Stilla---I put the funny faces in there to let you know I was pullin' your leg....Feel better, now??
I do believe we were created by an intelligent being.
I do not believe in hell. Never did.
I do not believe in the trinity. Didn't long before I became a JW.
I think the JW explanation for why God permits wickedness, to teach us all that we can't do it well without his wisdom is probably true.
Before I ever became a JW or heard John Lennon's song Imagine I dreamed of a world of people with no racism or nationalism or wars where everyone worked for the good of everyone. So I still hope one day the world will live as one. I want something like the new system but I want it coming from a much more loving, kind and patient creator who allows all but the absolutely unsalvagable to live there. So I hope for a similar paradise earth, a utopia if you will.
Let me add:
I figured that if the bible was could at least give PLAIN DETAILS on who Jesus was/is, and who
When I was under ten years old, I started thinking about the name of our church: Trinity Episcopal Church. "Mom, what does trinity mean?" She explained it to me. So I went and got my copy of the Bible. The revised King James Version. I read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I found lots of places where Jesus said he was God's son or the son of God. I found lots of places where he said he was the son of man. I found NOT ONE place where Jesus said, "I am God." "Just call me God." Jesus never claimed he was God.
So I went back to my mother and said, "Mom, I don't believe the trinity." She asked me why. I explained and then she told me she did not believe in the trinity either. She allowed me to read and make up my own mind.
Now, I figure that if a child can read the four gospels and conclude that Jesus is not God but God's son and the son of man then it's pretty obvious he is NOT God.
If Jesus was God, don't you think he would think it important enough to mention it himself? Don't you think that if Jesus was God it would be obvious to a child reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
Still believe there is no hell of fire; and, of course, the blood theory is still in me.
SY (when from home), DY (when from work or elsewhere)
I dont know what jw beliefs are real, but I dont belive in trinity or hellfirelfire. Don't believe in the Nethinim, not sure about the 144000 or the slave. Hope that living 4 ever on earth is true. Hard to accept all of what the Bible seems to say..
Dont belive virginity is common as is use to be, that est is east and west is west and being firsyt is always best, that superman nad robin hood are still alive in Holywoood, but I believe in love and I belive in, I believe in mom and dad and I belive in you.
I may no longer be a jw but I still don't believe in celebrating my birthday or christmas. It just doesn't feel right to me and I doubt it ever will.