How old is your "soul"?

by obiwan 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stillajwexelder

    My soul is the same age as the rest of me (Hester Mofet if you like the Silence of the Lambs)

    because there is no such thing as an immortal soul or anything separate from the body - never was a fan of Plato -- prefered Descartes and Francis Bacon

  • Xena

    sometimes I meet people and we instantly we knew each other before...and I wonder what we were to each other in another life perhaps...

  • gumby

    To answer this question on the soul is to answer many questions. It would also answer the question if there is life after death. It may also answer the question if there are spirits.....such as ghosts.

    This was also a big concern to me and still is. One day I started a thread about Ghosts....and experiences of ones who feels they have seen them before. I figured if I could believe these ghost might answer the question about a soul living beyond death. I got no super answers.....only questionable answers. Some showed pictures, but those pictures were explained as double exposer, etc. by a few photographers on the board. Others claimed of being sure of what they saw as real........................I still haven't a clue or an opinion.


  • CruithneLaLuna

    I've been told by a couple of acquaintances who are psychic practitioners that I'm very old, have been "recycled" many times. I have a sense of being stubborn about learning certain lessons, and I feel tired of going through similar unpleasant experiences repeatedly - but all of that could be just based on this life.

    I wonder if being a JW for 30+ years was a way of trying to hide from the need to grow?

    I do, BTW, think that reincarnation in some form is the most likely "afterlife" scenario. I see it as the most direct and inviting (reasonable?) conclusion to be drawn from the available lines of evidence, including hypnotic regression and the work and discoveries of Ian Stevenson.

    Consider: Michael Newton - The Journey of Souls | Brian Weiss, MD (distinguished author of books on clinical experiences with past-life regression) | Children's Past Lives (building on the extensive research of Ian Stevenson) | "And there's LOTS more where that came from."


  • rem

    Just an fyi.. Stevenson's research has been highly criticized. Many of his best cases of past-life evidence in children have been shown to be false. Terence Hines talks about it in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal.


  • Satanus

    This is still a puzzle to me. From reading about nde's and such, i'm fairly sure that a spirit survives the body. But that the same spirit reincarnates, or if it joins a higher being, and then the higher being formulates a new spirit to be incarnated, isn't at all clear. Maybe there is no hard and fast rule on this.


  • Special K
    Special K

    I'm not sure if I believe in previous life times or not... however, I do tend to say this alot...

    "In my next life.........I'm going to ... blah,blah, blah...

    so maybe the subconscious mind knows something about all of this that my consciousness does not. ..


    special K

  • Sunnygal41

    My mom says I was an "old soul" when I was little.........I was like a little old has had some cool experiences in her life. I personally think she's been 'round the wheel many times......she's had some awesome OOB's that she's shared with me........all while being a JDub. What a waste!


  • Elsewhere

    I've got the oldest and mostest wisest soul that has ever existed.

    I know this because I feel it is so... and my Magic 8 Ball has confirmed it!

  • LittleToe

    A very, very, old soul - but with plenty of sparkle left.
    Read the eyes - they are the gateway to it...

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