Thought America and Norway tied for best-head and shoulders above the rest; then England, Belgium, Canada and the Arab woman who sang in her native tongue also rocked
Anyone watch World Idol?
by morrisamb 29 Replies latest social entertainment
I watched part of it, and thought most of them were terrible. I liked the little guy that the judge said he was like a Hobbit. He was good.
The fellow from South Africa was the best of the ones I saw.
I know I'm being biased... but I liked Kelly. She's awesome. She does have some "showmanship" issues to work out, but they will come with time and experience. She was definately the best. I also liked Will from the U.K. and the PanArab Idol.
I missed Kelly, but I love her.
Special K
I'm with you mulan.. I thought the guy who looked like the Hobbit.. was super good..
I really like Kelly but didn't like her performance on this one.. I thought it was the wrong song and I didn't like her black outfit with the black hat. If she would have sung . Miss Independence.. that would have rocked.
I liked the girl from India that sang in her native tongue..
The little blonde girl from Poland I could have hauled off with a long cane.. just a screaming......
The guy from England was okay.. but I didn't like his song selection.."come on baby light my fire"
I think that long haired guy who sang the Nirvana song was good if you like that type of music.. but I don't like it.. He did hold his own when talking back to Simon Cowe though..
Ryan Malcolm from Canada was just okay..
So .. I guess I'll go for the Hobbit to pull alot of votes, I think he might be an underdog type winner.
sincerely.. waiting for Jan 1st..
Special K
Lady Lee
I was disappointed with all of them
except the hobbit
I can't believe I totally went blank on the guy from South Africa...he definitely was fact he comes in right after Kelly and the Norway guy.
I would say I was disappointed with the quality of the was quite boring actually. It's amazing that this is the best in the world?! Glorified karoke, no! LOL
U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
I Would watch it, but at 1st John chapter 5 verse 21, God has told the world to stay away from idols. So i prefer to serve God more than man. but you folks enjoy america(which btw is not a nation under GOD) Idol(whatever it be in a shape of metal or gold or human formed, it's wrong).
got my forty homey?
I watch it cause I enjoy seeing laughing at others misery. To see eager young stupid niave people really beleive that they will be mega million dollar record contract reciepients is a very funny cruel thing to do.
I heard that one of the judges was wicked mean to Kelly but I missed it does anyone know what happened?