Once again, there's a lot of new people on this board as well as us "oldsters". What was the ORIGINAL reason for you looking at this site and why did you make your first post? And why do you stay here?
What Makes You Read & Post On This Site?
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
Curiousity, only place on the net where I didn't feel the posters were just 'bitter apostates' (now that I have looked more, that isn't the case in nearly any site on the net), and the need to talk to people who were going through the same type of situation with the WTS that I am going through.
There are some posters I look for because they are funning/interesting/thought-provoking. I read those and I post if I think I have something new or original to add. I try to post on birthdays/jedi/welcome posts. I tend to avoid doctrinial debates unless it's to shoot down something the WTS presents that is unscriptural.
I used to lurk on the old H2O site and when that dismantled, I got on to this place. I posted only after I felt somewhat safe. Then I got attacked by a number of posters here and was accused of being a troll a million times. Some very kind people often defended me and I continued to post and give some opinions as well as ask a number of questions. The rest is history.
I never thought you were a troll. But you used to dance more often.--Blondie
Ah Blondie----the memories! Why can't my avatar do that?
I never thought you were a troll. But you used to dance more often.--Blondie
BLONDIE!!! LMAO!!! That was great! Terri, a very minor member!
What was the ORIGINAL reason for you looking at this site and why did you make your first post? And why do you stay here?
I was introduced first to Freeminds ...I think....from a web address in a "apostate book" and I lived there for awhile. Then Randy had his java script which introduced this site. Somewhere in between....can't remember....I lurked on H2o but can't remember posting there. I lurked here for quite some time BEFORE I ever posted as I was afraid. I had "Francois" post things I wanted to ask for me as I was e-mailing him for some time asking questions......he helped me alot.
When I came here there were the "essay" writers who exposed the Watchtower for what it was. I came at a good time. I stay here to help others....and help myself.
(The real reason I stay here is because I think Minimus has a cute butt)
I wanted to learn the real truth about the organization from the people who know it best. Whenever I have a question, everyone here is always quick with an answer. It really helps me to understand the grip that this cult has on many of my loved ones, and gives me hope that some people do find their way out. I'm very thankful for all of you.