They're saying the prophecy is possibly fulfilled of "peace and security and then sudden destruction" in the year 1986 when world leaders dubbed that year as the "year of peace". The Feb.1st Watchtower mentions that just as a pregnant woman over 9 months gradually has signs of a baby's growth in the womb, so too, we may have a fulfillment of Bible prophecy without knowing it fully beforehand UNTIL THE EFFECTS AND RESULTS become obvious. My mother read excerpts of the WT. article to me and she sdaid a number are buzzing over this in the congregation.
New Light-----1986----The International Year Of Peace Fulfilled???
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
1986 when world leaders dubbed that year as the "year of peace". The Feb.1st Watchtower mentions that just as a pregnant woman over 9 months gradually has signs of a baby's growth in the womb, so too, we may have a fulfillment of Bible prophecy
I'd say 18 years is one long drawn out pregnancy!
Gumby---of course, you are right. Yet, comments like these are expressed and the "old" faithful look into it like it's more new light. They grab at straws and the Society provides as many as they can handle.
I'd say 18 years is one long drawn out pregnancy!
I would hate to deliver any child that grew for 18 yrs.
They're saying the prophecy is possibly fulfilled of "peace and security and then sudden destruction" in the year 1986 when world leaders dubbed that year as the "year of peace"
They year of peace yes, but it was not peace and security.
Yup... sudden destruction all right... veeeery sudden.
The WTS is throwing bones to its publishers to satisfy their need for hope, any hope, that the end is really still near. Forget the 1914 false prophecy, let's move on to the "peace and security" false prophecy. They're being vague enough so that you cannot pin them down, and yet they're stirring the pot that "peace and security" is now about to "deliver".
I'm really really bored with them.
Big Tex
Your quote made me smile Min. This was just about the time I quit listening to the Watchtower. I remember this "year of peace" nonsense and I didn't buy it at the time. I never really bought into each and every one of their "this is it" pronouncements in the Watchtower. It seemed rather silly to me since it would have made Jesus a liar when he said "no one will know the day or the hour". It always struck me as odd that they, or the Great Unwashed, never really paid attention to that scripture.
Forgive me being self-absorbed for just a moment, but what a mile marker in my life. I entered a psychiatric hospital on my 24th birthday, just a couple of months after this article. It was the beginning of 3 years of hell for me. In 1986 I was a passionate JW, believing 95% of what the Society had to say. In 1989, at the end of my 3 years of hell, I was a disillusioned JW, passionate about my anger towards the Society, feeling betrayed, confused and certain it was all my fault somehow. In reality, I had opened a door to a larger world, but it would take several more years before I had sense enough to walk though it.
They are stirring the pot, alright. Just keep them in expectation. It may be the only thing that works. As I said earlier, those my mother talked about were older ones, those in the "truth" for decades. I doubt the new ones get excited to read this bull anymore.
Keep on the watch...prove yourselves ready.--Matthew 24:42-44
This is the year's text for 2004...notice what they left out.
Matthew 24:42-44 (NWT)Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what day YOUR Lord is coming.43 "But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.
gimme a break
I remember clearly back then (1986) my mother would get hysterical over a simple thunderstorm. "get out your watchtowers and study! NOW!!"