Feb 15 Watchtower: Apostates - Guard Against Deception

by truthseeker 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    I find it funny that more have not commented on this thread.


    I would have commented earlier.....

    ...but I shorted out my keyboard from ruking on it!!!

    AS mentioned, this article unfortunately WILL be effective, I think on the ones who are already Platinum Blood Card Carriers.

    It will just be another reason for them to say, "Ohhhhh; the end is sooooooo cloooose!!!!"

    i.e., my wife

    But I would hope that the ones who may already be having doubts, the very ones whom this article is intended to scare, these ones may be scared with this rubbish like a slap across the face and be awakened to the fact that something stinks in dubdumb.

    I'll make sure to wear my T-shirt to that WT study that says "My God can kick your god's ass"

    That will show them that we apostates are kind, loving people

  • Stephanus
    Feb 15 Watchtower: Apostates - Guard Against Deception

    But the apostates ARE guarding against deception. That's why they're here!

  • toreador

    If you only read WTS publications one can easily see why most persons when trying to reason with a JW hit a brick wall when you bring up anything derogatory about the WTS. They immediately think apostate and shut their ears!

  • Stephanus
    What is it that apostates want? Most are not content to leave the faith that they once perhaps viewed as true. Often, they want to take others with them. Rather than going out and making disciples, many apostates seek to "draw away the disciples [that is, Christ's disciples] after themselves." Regarding false teachers, the apostle Paul sounded this urgent warning: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey." Does that not describe what many apostates try to do? Like a kidnapper who carries an unsuspecting victim away from his family, apostates prey upon trusting members of the congregation, seeking to carry them away from the flock.

    Eman's already addressed this. It's the Watchtower's own lack of spiritual generosity that has brought them to this pass. Their inability to allow anyone to "agree to disagree" or to depart on a friendly basis and their doctrine of total isolation forces the "apostate", i.e. the one who leaves for whatever reason, who wants to continue in a normal happy family life, to have to take his family and friends with him, if he wants them to stay friends, or even family! But I must say, they've got a lot of nerve. It is they who are the kidnappers and the hostage takers. Just another example of their "double think".

  • fjtoth
  • seeitallclearlynow

    The angel of light is fighting back with all his cunning as usual. Obviously, the REAL apostates, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, aka the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, are feeling the effects of the truth that is being made known about their deceptions. It's interesting, and so glaringly clear, that we come to the light to have our works made manifest, that is, we openly challenge the dictators in Brooklyn on the internet, giving specific doctrines, quotes, claims, dates, prophecies, behaviors, cover-ups, etc., citing their own literature, not only allowing them to refute what is said about them, but REQUESTING that they do so - we don't hide our older literature and change it at times, and lock it away in a special area in Brooklyn where only certain "trusted" cult members are allowed access, for fear the truth about the Organization will become known to the masses under their strict control. Instead of showing us the error in what we say, they just resort to empty personal attacks. So feeble. But it works with most of Jehovah's Witnesses, so why respond intelligently?

    I'm rather breathless waiting to see what new farce they come up with when all the old (OLD) Governing Body Members are dead. Will there be new light to explain why new anointed keep popping up to fill their spots? Will the masses really believe that so many of those hand selected by God have died unfaithful?

    Oh, and I loved the comment above, that no one had to force Crisis of Conscience on any of us - I too went searching for it, as well as In Search of Christian Freedom. Jesus saved us out of the wicked org; and we have to have faith that He will draw out the others, hungry to worship in spirit and truth instead of cultish forced unity and obedience.

  • 95stormfront
    It will just be another reason for them to say, "Ohhhhh; the end is sooooooo cloooose!!!!"

    i.e., my wife

    Had to listen to my wife spout out this nonsense all day today when my JW relatives came for a visit.

    Yeah, the WT is really throwing down the gauntlet against those who publicly oppose them and are going all out in warning those enslaved to them to stay away from apostates.

  • observador

    An interesting part of the article is something that the WT says more often than not:
    on paragraph 6, the writer says: "they reject the visible part of God's organization". On the other hand, it says on paragraph 10: "we will not abandon the organization that God is pleased to use, for we see the clear evidence of his blessing upon it".

    Why, this makes no sense to me. If the Organization is God's, there is no reason for him to be "pleased" with it, is there? Much less there is a reason for him to shed his "blessing upon it", right? It makes no sense to bless something that BELONGS to you!

    I don't bless my own computer, or my own car or... whatever. I can bless my wife's computer, though, if I believe it will accomplish or it is accomplishing something commendable.

    So, the boys at the headquarters sometimes get lost and don't realize how inconsistent are some of the things they say.

    Have you also noticed this before?

    Thanks, Truthseeker, for bringing this out.


  • heianderen

    We apostates are the wickest people on earth... we know they have The Truth(tm) but because we have a deep moral flaw, we can live The Truth(tm) and then we all want to start our Satanic religions kidnaping some "brothers" and "sisters" from The Truth(tm) like Satan we want to have our personal set of worshipers. I've already deceived with lyies and half-truths a friend that no longer believes in the WT, but it is still oficially in, he is "my treasure", my first disciple of my own sect of Satanic Apostates, he must call me "Oh Sensei"... Of course I only want him to be destroyed when Armaggedon arrives, because otherwise I will feel very lonely when my own destruction arrives... HAHAHA...(powerfull laught, with resonance and echo)


  • seattleniceguy

    That has always been a mind-boggling concept to me: that anyone, be they angel or human, would decide after experiencing life in the glorious light of Perfect Radiance, the presence of the Creator Himself, would decide that it would be much cooler to steal candy from babies and watch porn flicks and kick cute little puppy dogs and otherwise have a royally fun, ungodly time for a few years. If life in God's organization was so unfathomably better than anything outside, you'd expect that no intelligent being would possibly choose it, let alone perfect intelligent beings.

    So really, the fact that intelligent people choose to leave "God's organization" should be a major red flag indicating that all is not what it appears.


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