No, but at the last one I went to ( I only attended about 3) I almost got up and left during that time because I was feeling offended. It felt so wrong to pass the symbols by with my husband again reminding me not to touch them. I was surprised at how upset I felt. I had really begun researching by that time so I was understanding the service unlike the previous times. Even those times bothered me, but not as strongly as the last one.
I didn't get up then, but I did tell me husband "we need to leave right now", when the service was over. No standing around talking for us. That was the last time I set foot in a KH.
It turns out my daughter, about 6 at the time, 13 now, also felt very strange and it seemed wrong to her too. I didn't know this until a few weeks ago when she shared that with me. She was glad not to go back there. ( I may have let out an audible sigh of relief at that moment)