News! Building Committee Condemning Kingdom Halls!

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Apparently, in some Kingdom Halls, various brothers on Regional Building Committees are studying indoor

    pollution. As I told you guys, meeting attendance is being affected by the growing number of Witnesses complaining

    about migraines and allergies triggered by Kingdom Halls. Some halls with crawl spaces or basements are being recommended

    for sale - with rebuilding elsewhere - no joke. Condemnation, in effect.

    What's so delicious about this is that for the discerning, it exposes the deepening irrationality of Witnesses. Such as:

    Witnesses who complain about "this system and its pollution" - when, in fact, God -created nature is making them sneeze

    Brothers who LOVE TO BUILD and will use ANY EXCUSE to do so, regardless of cost or practicality ( the 'edifice complex')

    I'm not kidding here! I had to deal with these people as an elder - some of them actually believe that publisher growth can be

    created simply by building a big hall " and Jehovah will fill it!". Field of Dreams, anyone?

    Witnesses who will condemn a hall and never reason that YOU CAN'T BUILD a scientific 'clean room' for public use

    ( do you throw out perfume/aftershave wearers?)

    and , of course,

    ALL THE WITNESS LEADERSHIP, who never reason that emotional and spiritual sickness is at the root of these

    contentious issues. Dead meetings, a sterile 'ministry' , fake friends, and cult rules do not encourage general health.

    People's bodies are telling them to 'stop this foolishness' - and they aren't listening.

    More as this story develops....


  • blondie

    Of course, that doesn't factor in the pollution/scents/etc. from the new building materials. Many JWs stay away from the meetings for months when a new KH is built or go to a neighboring KH. The WTS is too cheap to use building materials now that accommodate those people. Pretty soon 50% of the congregation will be attending the meeting via video cam.


  • Elsewhere

    This is funny... what they don't realize is that most of these illnesses are psychosomatic. JWs are so miserable that their minds invent all sorts of illnesses so that they will not have to go to the KH.

  • Gopher
    Pretty soon 50% of the congregation will be attending the meeting via video cam.

    LOL Blondie -- they'd have to make it interactive like some community Cable TV systems, where during the Watchtower Study you could have "multiple choice questions" and those participating remotely can vote for which is the right answer, a la "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". "67% of those voting said (A) Jehovah, 15% said (B) Jesus."

    Metatron you're so right about certain elders who will build for the sake of getting a new building, just to stir up interest and activity. The regular routine of meetings, field ministry, shepherding calls (when they get around to it) gets boring for some JW leaders in affluent countries. It's much more interesting to plan and politic for a new Kingdom Hall then it is to actually go knocking on doors.

  • minimus

    Every CO & DO said, in the 80's to build as big as possible because Jehovah will fill it. The Society, I'm sure told them this. Regarding mold, mildew, perfumes, soap and colognes----an interactive Kingdom Hall would solve everyone's problems.An no liability!!!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Do they still build the "two day" kingdom halls?

    This was a oxy-moron because even though the structure went up in two days in took months to complete the hall, carpeting, painting, etc.

  • NewYork44M

    I wonder if the indoor polution has anything to do with the fact that the KHs do not have windows.

  • wednesday
    This is funny... what they don't realize is that most of these illnesses are psychosomatic. JWs are so miserable that their minds invent all sorts of illnesses so that they will not have to go to the KH.

    Elsewhere, Agree that a lot of JWS are -oh just say it-nuts- but chemical sensitivity is very real. And with the cheap materials they use, probably a lot of people do get ill.

  • gumby

    If they would go back to having windows.......peoples farts could escape and not cause this problem!


  • Satanus

    So, they would sell to someone else old, slightly sick buildings which are not healthy for jw's? Let their 'neighbors' suffer what they are not willing to suffer? What happened to the golden rule, and watching out for the interests of others?



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