"Another factor in reaching more people with the good news has been the simplified literature distribution arrangement. Jehovah has blessed the faith shown by his servants in this matter. The voluntary donation arrangement is explained to people, but no charge is made for the literature. As of January 2000, that arrangement was extended to all lands where it was not already in operation. The Central African Republic branch wrote: "This means that anyone, no matter what his or her financial situation may be, can have the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ. This arrangement has been greatly appreciated by both the publishers and the public."
This is so much double-speak!
Elsewhere is correct in stating that it all has to do with tax. The thing the WTS fears most is tax!!!
But every move they have made to avoid tax has been presented to the R&F as somehow being a beneficial arrangement. Hence we have seen food service replaced in what was termed "simplification". Why? Because sales taxes would have been applied to the sale of food!!
Then we've seen the "donation arrangement" presented as a charitable move by the WTS to enable the poor to obtain literature. The tragedy is that the R&F believe it!
Cheers, Ozzie