Good Grief.

by Englishman 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • toreador

    Hey, I guess whatever works eh? As long as there are no long term side effects.

  • codeblue

    Yes....Models have been using it for years. I have thought about trying it out on a few areas...but just couldn't bring myself to do it!!! Way cheaper than Shiseido!!! (I use to sell that line at Macy's)


  • gumby
    Apparently, the salve's shrinking properties is great to reduce eye-bags and crows feet better than anything on the market.

    I've also heard it can make a mans scrotum as smooth as a babys butt, instead of like a shriveled prune. I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to and I'll post a pic.


  • tink
    I have thought about trying it out on a few areas...but just couldn't bring myself to do it!!!

    ditto!! :P

  • joannadandy

    Tink you're 21, what on earth on you could need a lift? LOL

  • tink

    hehe...preventative measures!! they say you should buy your first eye cream on your twentieth birthday...i did :P

  • rem

    From what I've read, it seems that this fashion tip is actually a practical joke played on credulous ladies:

    "...But when my assistant Jane called a modeling agency to inquire, the rhymes-with-rich who answered the phone huffed that the Prep H rumor had been around for years and that it was merely a joke made at the expense of models and actresses. Sorry, lady, thought Jane. Sounds like you could stand a little Preparation H yourself."

    "...So what does work? Paula's tips: (1) Sleep with your head slightly elevated to minimize fluid retention. (2) Avoid booze and salty foods, which can cause water retention. (3) If you have allergies, take antihistamines and don't rub your eyes. (4) Remove any makeup carefully to avoid getting particles in your eyes. (5) To avoid dryness that can lead to irritation and puffiness, use a moisturizer. If nothing works and this is a chronic condition, cosmetic surgery may be your only recourse."


  • Carmel

    Maybe that's why some brown nosers seem to never age!


  • core
    A bunch of girls - well, 30-somethings anyway - down the pub have admitted to rubbing hemorrhoid cream around their eyes so as to look younger.

    Englishman - what is your secret so that this bunch of girls told you that - let me know so I can get down the pub and try your chat up lines!

  • Englishman
    Englishman - what is your secret so that this bunch of girls told you that - let me know so I can get down the pub and try your chat up lines!

    One of the perks of getting older is that pretty young girls feel safe with you!


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