Seattle Area Meet-up

by Gretchen956 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gretchen956

    New Years is almost upon us and hell has frozen over, oops, I mean the Seahawks have stumbled their way into the playoffs. Its time to set our mind to a get-together! Seattle area and those who can travel easily to Seattle, lets put our heads together and decide on something mutually acceptable!

    We talked briefly about a coffee meet-up, but I have also been contacted by people from Portland and the Tri-Cities that would be interested in coming if we decide to do something. Perhaps we could all have dinner together or something. Lets toss some ideas around.


  • doodle-v

    Gretchen, it would be great to meet you! my husband and I both live in Seattle and are planning on hosting an apostafest during St. Patties Day in March. You are more than welcome to attend.


  • Princess

    Whatever you decide to do Gretchen, dinner, coffee or whatever sounds like fun to me. So many newbies in the Seattle/Portland area that I'd love to meet.

    Maybe an early dinner at a noisy restaraunt on a Saturday? That way those traveling from exotic far off places like Portland can still make it. Buca di Beppo in Seattle would be fun...or S'getti Factory...or someplace a bit farther south of the city like by Southcenter or Tacoma or whatever.

    Just a thought...

  • drwtsn32

    We're up for anything!! Just schedule it when the pass isn't too bad...

  • Carmel

    St. Pattie's day sounds great! Me thinks I can make it over the pass then!!!


  • drwtsn32

    Carmel, where are you coming from? I'm in the Tri-Cities...or as Gretchen calls it, the Dry Shitties.

  • seattleniceguy

    St. Patty's Day is definitely cool, but if anyone would like to meet earlier, I certainly would be game for that as well. What about a weekend in January, say, the 17/18 or the 24/25? I probably have one of the most flexible schedules, so I probably shouldn't be in the driver's seat here, but I'm just tossing it out there. I've never been to Buco Di Beppo, so that would be fun for me.

    I guess I just mean to say, you apostates are so damn fun, I'll hang out with ya anytime! If you arrange it, I will come.


  • marriedtodamob

    Do I qualify for this get together? I'm an apostate wanna be! Oh...oh and I'm divorcing a JW does that count?

    Would love to meet you all and I am only a few hours away...


    mobbie ( D'd da mob)

  • Gretchen956

    Hey, why limit this thing to once? St Patty's is cool, but perhaps another one on a weekend for those coming from out of town in the near future. If its dinner I (sorry!) would like to request a restaraunt where they have options other than pasta. I have this nasty little wheat allergy. Its fine at most places because they usually have alternatives, but as much as I love Italian food, I don't want to sit and watch you all eat. (gawd I hate this!)

    The pass is usually good in February, what about the first weekend in Feb? Saturday night? There's a new restaraunt at SouthCenter that looks cool, its where the old movie theatre used to be. It's almost all covered outdoors with those outdoor fireplaces all over, kind of on a bahama tropical theme. I have absolutely no idea on prices. I know there are LOTS of other places as well.

    Can't WAIT to meet all you guys!


  • JeffT

    I'm very interested. First couple of weeks of January are going to be crazy, but after that I'm open.


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