Hidden Images In WT Publications

by Hunyadi 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Hunyadi

    First of all, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my first posting regarding the hidden images thing. I will admit that, after re-reading my initial post, I sounded like some sort of a paranoid alarmist, and I really did deserve the flack I received from some of you folks.

    Let me just say that there probably isn't a single X-JW who doesn't feel as though they have been duped to some degree with regard to the so-called "Bible Truth" they received while serving the organization. Many X-JWs firmly use the terms "manipulation", "fear", "deception", and even more . . . "brain washing" to describe the manner in which a new one is brought into the organization. I am certain that we can all agree on that much.

    So then, how far of a stretch is it really to suppose that the WTBT is using hidden references within their illustrations to feed us a healthy diet of suggestive imagery that plays on our fears or reinforces the "brain washing" process most X-JWs point to? If you revisit my site, I have uploaded images that are somewhat obvious, even to the untrained, not very demon-sighted person. I was ordered, ha ha, by one individual to take my site down, since it "don't help the cause of Ex-JWs by publishing paraonoid unfounded material on the web . . . that there are real issues that need to be brought to light concerning the WT's deceit with its members . . . " I asked him "what is the cause of Ex-JWS?" He could not tell me. I also asked what are some of those issues he was referring to. Again, he could not say. So, no, I am not going to take my site down.

    I do not deny that we all have our own personal issues with the WTBTS, however, what I am doing here is merely exposing one aspect of the deceit and hypocracy so many of us take exception to. The pouring over of WTBT publication illustrations in search of hidden images did not begin as paranoia or obsession. I am an artist and very visually oriented, therefore, it was intriguing to me. The hidden references might seem superficially insignificant, but often carry important and meaningful symbolism. I for one would care to know what the artist or GB was thinking when they inserted the cloaked figure in the trees behind Jesus, or why an astrological sign is prominently displayed in an illustration depicting a Christian couple at home. I would refer you to Philipians 4:8,9. Considering the counsel given here, it is absurd to think that somebody in the art department is doodling or just merely expressing himself. If he or she is, then DF'ing might be in order, eh? And the GB should be over thrown by the Mormons for not continuing to consider the things that are true, of serious concern, righteous, praiseworthy and virtuous.

    I would really like to know more about this particular aspect of the WT's influence on me an my children.

    My questions have lead me to discerne some obviously deeper meanings and motives on the part of the artists and Governing Body. The significant meanings and symbolisms will be published on my site very soon. Remember, the reason why authors put visuals into their publications is because they can be powerful tools useful in influencing the one viewing. Hidden or subliminal images are a covert means by which any organization or company seeks to influence us without us being aware of the process. And nobody, especially an organization like the WTBTS, does anything without a reason.


    Thank you for the opportunity to share and kind regards to all,


  • berten

    This link might interest you,in case you did not know it already:


  • Elsewhere

    I've looked at these kinds of "hidden images" in the WTS publications before, and to be honest, I really don't think there is anything to it.

    It's like the Bible Code... if you look hard enough for something you will find it... even if it is just coincidence.

    The human mind is constantly trying to find order and pattern in a chaotic environment. When people spot "hidden images" in pictures and paintings, it is just the mind trying to find a pattern. You can find "hidden images" in any set of paintings.

  • Hunyadi

    Yes, the human mind is constantly trying to find order and pattern in a chaotic environment, however, paintings are normally structured and ordered, unless we are talking about abstract art. The first hidden images to be noticed are ones where blatant anomalies jump out at you. I ask you, why would anyone be looking for a hidden image in a well ordered illustration of a mature sister standing on a street corner sharing WT and Awake mags with a stranger. Nothing chaotic about that scene. There is, however, a strange, defined, bearded, symmetrical face on the skirt of that sister in the illustration. This is not a matter of looking for something that really isn't there.

    He he, I am beginning to think that that WTBTS schills are monitering this and other message boards and respond when somebody posts something that pisses them off or gets to close to home. The images are there, they are deliberate, and they contain symbolism that can be understood which really does tell us volumes about the organization and the folks running it.

    Best Regards,


  • Elsewhere

    There is also the possibility that some of the artists are just goofing around. I've heard of them hiding images in paintings as a "signature" since they are not allowed to take credit for their creations. People who know the work of a given artist can pick out paintings by him because they can always find the little hidden detail that is the same in every painting.

  • toreador

    I believe you make mountain out of molehill.

  • toreador

    A couple of the images are probably on purpose but the rest are speculation.

  • MegaDude


    You remind me of a JW who was very concerned about the number seven popping up repeatedly in the Watchtower. He wrote the Society to complain about it as he thought he meant something very sinister.

    Although the subliminal images in the Watchtower art is interesting, you haven't offered one shred of evidence that proves anything sinister on the part of the illustrators.

    You said:

    The images are there, they are deliberate, and they contain symbolism that can be understood which really does tell us volumes about the organization and the folks running it.
    This part of what you said is only in your mind. It doesn't remotely tell us volumes of anything.
  • observador


    I will admit that, after re-reading my initial post, I sounded like some sort of a paranoid alarmist, and I really did deserve the flack I received from some of you folks.

    Now you sound a little more reasonable. But remember, whatever you look for in these pictures you most likely will find it.

    You may want to carefully read what a guy here nicknamed "gamaliel" wrote in this thread about this subject: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/56369/1.ashx

    This poster seems to be knowleageable on these matters.

    Take care.


  • rem


    Here is a paragraph from your front page:

    "So what! There is what looks like a cloaked figure or demon in the illustration. What would be the point of putting such a subliminal in an illustration and what harm can it cause?", a skeptic might ask. Psychological evidence indicates that subliminals appear to have the capacity to influence you without you being aware of this process. This is a valid bone to pick with any company or organization that utilizes subliminal imagery for any purpose. The very idea underminds the scriptural concept of free will.

    You do not reference any (current) citation for this claim. Where is your evidence?


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