Watchtower Lies Hurt Victims

by silentlambs 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    If you read the 97 Watchtower cited below you are given the impression that a child molester who is “known”(that is confessed) would never have “privileges” in the Congregation arrangement. Is that really the case? In a conversation with the Service Department it was plainly stated to me personally that a child molester could re-qualify again after a long period of time had passed. Was this a misstatement of Watchtower Policy? Read the form letter below sent out to congregations by the Legal Department in cases of “known” child molesters. Notice the paragraph at the end holds open the possibility of being used again after writing the Society first. So the question is who is lying, the Writing Department who wrote the 97 Watchtower, Service Department, or Legal Department? Either way you are being lied to.

    *** w97 1/1 29 Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked ***
    Depending on the law of the land where he lives, the molester may well have to serve a prison term or face other sanctions from the State. The congregation will not protect him from this. Moreover, the man has revealed a serious weakness that henceforth will have to be taken into account. If he seems to be repentant, he will be encouraged to make spiritual progress, share in the field service, even have parts in the Theocratic Ministry School and nonteaching parts in the Service Meeting. This does not mean, though, that he will qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation. What are the Scriptural reasons for this?
    For one thing, an elder must be “self-controlled.” (Titus 1:8) True, none of us have perfect self-control. (Romans 7:21-25) But a dedicated adult Christian who falls into the sin of child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. Experience has shown that such an adult may well molest other children. True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do. And the congregation cannot read hearts to tell who is and who is not liable to molest children again. (Jeremiah 17:9) Hence, Paul’s counsel to Timothy applies with special force in the case of baptized adults who have molested children: “Never lay your hands hastily upon any man; neither be a sharer in the sins of others.” (1 Timothy 5:22) For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, he cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special, full-time service.—Compare the principle at Exodus 21:28, 29.

    25 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. BROOKLYN. NEW YORK 11201-2483. U.SA PHONE (718) 560-5000
    Dear Brothers:
    We have given consideration to your letter dated xxxxxx xx,xxxx, regarding Brother xxxx. Enclosed you will find an S-52 form showing the deletion of Brother xxxxxx as an elder.
    For good reason, the January 1,1997, issue of The Watchtower, page 29, states: "A dedicated adult Christian who falls into the sin of child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. Experience has shown that such an adult may well molest other children. True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do. And the congregation cannot read hearts to tell who is and who is not liable to molest children again. (Jeremiah 17:9) Hence, Paul's counsel to Timothy applies with special force in the case of baptized adults who have molested children. 'Never lay your hands hastily upon any man; neither be a sharer in the sins of others. , (I Timothy 5:22) For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation." Therefore, in the best interest the congregation and its members, neither the local congregation nor the Society should be viewed as delegating authority or position to one who is a known child molester.
    Now that we have given careful and prayerful consideration to all the factors in the case of Brother xxxxx xxxxx, we believe that what is stated in the foregoing applies to him. Hence, you should not extend to him any specific responsibility that could be construed as an assigned duty, even though some assignments might be considered minor. He should not be used to handle accounts, literature, magazines, subscriptions, or territories. Nor would he be used as an attendant, microphone handler, to operate sound equipment, to represent the congregation in prayer, or to present "Announcements" on the Service Meeting. He would not be used as the reader at the Congregation Book Study or Watchtower Study, nor to conduct a meeting for field service. It would be advisable not to have a book study in his home. And, he would not qualify to auxiliary or regular pioneer. Whereas he could volunteer to assist with general care of the Kingdom Hall where he attends meetings, he could not be approved to work on other Kingdom Halls or Assembly Halls. He may give student talks on the Theocratic Ministry School and share in non-teaching parts on the Service Meeting, provided that his doing so will not be offensive to those in the congregation who know of his past wrongdoing.
    Please be reminded of the following direction that appears in the Society's March 14, 1997, confidential letter to all bodies of elders regarding known child molesters: "Individuals who have manifested a weakness in this regard should be sensitive to their need not to be alone with children. They should refrain from holding children or displaying other forms of affection for them. It would be appropriate for elders to give kindly cautions to any who are doing things that may be a temptation or a cause for concern to others in the congregation." (1 Corinthians 10:12,32) This would include not allowing children (other than his own) to spend the night in his home, not working in field service with a child, not cultivating friendships with children, and the like.
    After a number of additional years have gone by, you may wonder whether certain privileges can be extended to this brother. If he has continued to build a commendable record, if there are no complaints either by his victim(s) or by relatives, and if the body of elders concludes that no one would find fault with his being given extra privileges of a minor nature in the congregation, you may write the Society and make known your observations and recommendations, indicating how you feel he can be used in the congregation. Explain clearly what the current feeling is toward him on the part of the one(s) he wronged and by relatives, and how the congregation views him now. Direction from the Society should be obtained before certain privileges are extended to him.
    Along with this letter we send you our warm Christian love. Your brothers,
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
    Of New York,Inc.

    this letter will be posted on my website

  • Stephanus

    I have a friend who posts to a politics newsgroup mainly about justice issues; his motto is "What about the victims?"

    The important thing about justice is not only that it be done, but that it be seen to be done. The trouble with the letter you quote is that it ignores any involvement by the law; it sounds like they are happy to keep the guy out of the reach of the authorities, so long as he kowtow to the elder and the almmighty WBTS. Not something you'd like to receive if you wanted to see some real justice for the victim done, I'd imagine.

  • silentlambs

    bringing this up to the top

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Silentlambs,

    Your post gives a very good testimony of the "ambiguity" and the "double
    Tongue" used by the WTS in these cases. It is evedent that one thing is destined to the r. & f. and
    Another kind of information to others.

    Thanks for your good job! Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • somebody


    Thank you for exposing yet one more LIE to the LIST of them that the WBTS tell. My heart goes out to each and every victim!

    It's pretty damn sick when a cigarette smoker gets treated worse than a child molester. And a child molester gets treated better than his/her victim.

    I read your experience of attending a meeting recentely. The pedophiles get treated better than the loving, caring people like yourself, who try to protect God's young children too. Please stay strong and keep up the good you are doing! I've called to place two of the ads you provided us to in 2 of my local newspapers. when they appear, I'll scan them and mail them to you if you'd like. I also followed zev's idea and made a sign for the back of my car. I used #4 of your choices of ads to use on my sign.

    God bless you and your family. Thank you for all you do!


  • Yadirf


    You appear to me to be looking so hard for a fault that your mind is inventing things in order to have found one.

    You said:

    If you read the 97 Watchtower cited below you are given the impression that a child molester who is “known”(that is confessed) would never have “privileges” in the Congregation arrangement. Is that really the case? ….Read the form letter…. Notice the paragraph at the end holds open the possibility of being used again after writing the Society first. So the question is who is lying, the Writing Department who wrote the 97 Watchtower, Service Department, or Legal Department? Either way you are being lied to.

    Read it again Sam:

    *** w97 1/1 29 Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked ***
    If he seems to be repentant, he will be encouraged to make spiritual progress, share in the field service, even have parts in the Theocratic Ministry School and nonteaching parts in the Service Meeting. This does not mean, though, that he will qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation.

    From the above, what does such a person qualify for?:
    -- Sharing in the field service.
    -- Parts in the Ministry School.
    -- Nonteaching parts in the Service Meeting.

    From the above, what does such a person NOT qualify for?:
    -- A position of responsibility in the congregation.

    The wording above was saying no more than that, although such a person would be allowed to do CERTAIN THINGS in the congregation, at the same time there were other things that the person DID NOT (not, never would) qualify for.

    Now, let’s take another look at the wording of the sentence:

    This does not mean, though, that he will qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation.

    But this is the way it would’ve needed to be worded for it to have meant what YOU thought it did:

    This does not mean, though, that he ever will qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation.

    Too, it only stands to reason that the one that is to “be encouraged to make spiritual progress [per the above]” should do so with the hope that eventually he can regain the respect of the congregation and return to being useful in terms of being qualified once again to assume congregational responsibilities.

    So, no, I don’t get the same impression as you do at all. And I would certainly think that before you post all this over onto your site along with the words “you are being lied to” that you would rethink the matter and consider what you are likely to do to your credibility as one who still professes to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with the WTS.


  • Tanalyst

    Those damn liars, makes me wonder if all Wt. writers worked part-time for the Clinton's, in the Spin room.

  • LadyBug


    I totally agree with you

    It's pretty damn sick when a cigarette smoker gets treated worse than a child molester. And a child molestergets treated better than his/her victim.

    I can't see that they will ever realise that they are no better than the religions they condemn.


    You have a difficult task. I too thank you for what you are doing.


  • Francois


    Parsing of words, splitting of hairs, and in all this the little six year-old girl this grown man has sexually exploited is doing WHAT?

    This is despicable.

  • somebody


    If he seems to be repentant, he will be encouraged to make spiritual progress,

    Did you notice the word SEEMS in that sentence? And if the Watchtower had an inkling about the definition of the word SPIRITUAL, or what it means, they wouldn't keep "rating" thir fellowmans' spirituality. Nor would they keep printing and publishing their so-called spiritual food. It's more like spiritual garbage! They abuse the word spiritual as much as they possibly can! Have you EVER NOTICED that they capitalize the "s" when they refer to themselves as Society, but the will NOT capitalize the "H" and the "S" when they refer to GOD'S Holy Spirit? Just goes to show how humble and discreet they are. And does that show that they puffed up with pride? Any follower of them would think not. HA!! They make me sick to my stomache! For someday... they will be judged according to their own deeds, and how many lives they took down with them. and NEVER repented for any of their evil, evil deeds. Do they "seem" repentant to you? They will face ONE final judicial committee.

    somebody ( of the P.O.'d class right now )


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