facts about the JW religion

by Dawn 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    Dawn, you might want to incorporated in your booklet the horrific pictures of burning churches, and crumbling buildings, and children dying, beasts with blood dripping from thier mouths, and the pictures of intolerance of other religions. I was always embarrased by these pictures and tried to explain them away when my young children would ask about them or be frightened. You may raise the question of the !st Amendment protecting religion that mentally and spiritually harms it's members and thier children in these cultish fear tactics.

  • shotgun

    I don't think you need to include denounciations of other religions in the brochure.

    The WT has that market covered, producing exactly that type of literature and then hand delivering it.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I would advise you to keep it simple, and non-strident sounding.. I and other normal people find actual Watchtower quotes quite revealing. I like to let their own literature prove exactly how they feel about these issues.

    Also include websites such as these for more detailed information

    http://www.ajwrb.org/ for blood info

    http://www.freeminds.org/ for general info

    Too bad dirtclod is gone. That one was great to show the TV shows about Witnesses.

    As someone who has never been a witness, what I find most horrible includes:

    1. people dying from lack of blood from acute bleeding and complications of cancer chemotherapy and the medical inaccuracies taught by the Watchtower

    2. the shunning done by family and friends to anyone who disagrees with the religion or leaves it

    3. the reasons they DF people, including smoking and even questioning any Watchtower policy

    4. that they consider the rest of the world "bad association" and that they believe we will all die at Armageddon.

    5.that JWs are not to date, or get involved with Non witnesses, and the consequences that can happen if they do get involved.

    6. that the woman must be in subjugation to her husband and obey him even if she knows he is making a wrong decision.

    7. rape is not rape unless the woman screams (is that still current policy?)

    8. the two witness rule and its implications on child abuse and marital abuse

    9. elders, who are not trained in psychology or counselling, having an intrusive and controlling place in Witness's lives including their marriage

    10. that Witnesses are advised to break legal and medical confidentiality to speak to the elders about something they might see at work.

    I know there is lots more, but this is just the ones off the top of my head.

    Please check your inbox later. Good luck. I think it is a great idea, as long as you are calm and factual about it..

  • link

    Any factual information regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses has got to include a brief mention of the fact that ALL of their doctrines and teachings are founded on a false assumption that can be checked out at the local library. If any of the books in the library on the history of the Ancient Near East give 607 B.C. as the date for the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem, and not 586/87, then by all means go ahead and join the J.W’s. If not, thoroughly check out what effect this has on all of their teachings.


  • Dawn

    Great ideas. Thanks for your feedback.

    I plan to limit this brochure to just JW's - since that is what I am most familiar with. My intent/hope is that someone will read it and then be prepared to ask those tough questions when the JW comes to their door. If only someone had asked ME those tough questions - I may have seen the truth about it all and been free much earlier than I was.

    I'll post a copy of it when I'm done so you all can use it also if desired.

  • Dawn

    Does anyone remember which Awake had the article about the children who had died "faithfully" refusing blood transfusions? Also - any information on statistics I can get regarding the number of children who have died?

  • Brymichmom

    The Awake article is cited on AJWRB, http://www.ajwrb.org and is May 22, 1994.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Dawn, for information on blood, check the website I sent you. You may find it all there. The exact number of kids isn't the problem, the stated willingness of a Witness to allow their child to die is. To be honest, in developed countries such as most of us live in, social services steps in and the child becomes a ward of the courts and gets the blood anyway. So the death statistics in no way, will reflect how their parents feel about sacrificing their child to the Watchtower. It is the parent's willingness to let the child die, that I find so appalling.

    Link, if the brochure is aimed at non-witnesses, they usually don't give 2 hoots about chronology, and think it is all a bunch of hooey. Non witnesses tend to care more about social issues, because they already think that JWs are obsessed with religion and kind of weird.

  • link


    I agree that non-J.W’s will have no interest in chronology but that is not my point. Anybody looking seriously at any religion will want to know at least a little bit about that religions doctrines and teachings. If the basis of these are easily disproved then further consideration must go out the window. Surely that is the intention of providing the information in the first place?

    Not everybody is just looking for a religion with a"feel good factor" and nothing else. It was this one thing above all others that turned me away from the Witnesses because it negates all their teachings re blood, and almost everything else thats mentioned by other posters on this thread as negative issues


  • onintwo

    May 22, 1994 Awake

    Check out the site ajwrb.org


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