Some things i just didnt notice at the time which now seem so obvious:
The bible tells us that the end will come like a thief in the night, when we least expect it. (Matthew 24:44)
Yes the JWs are told to "Keep in expectation!" (WT Aug 2015)... so by expecting it, they're actually delaying it.
Women in the bible are never regarded as anything more than something to have sex with or something to sell.
Let her breasts satisfy* you at all times. Proverbs 5:19
“If two men get into a fight with each other and the wife of the one intervenes to protect her husband from the one striking him and she reaches out her hand and grabs hold of him by his private parts, 12 you must amputate her hand. You* should not feel sorry. - Deut 25:11-12
Here are my virgin daughter and this man’s concubine. Let me bring them out, and you can humiliate them if you must.*+ But you must not commit this disgraceful act toward this man.” 25 But the men refused to listen to him, so the man grabbed hold of his concubine+ and brought her outside to them. They raped her and abused her all night long until the morning. Then they sent her away at the break of dawn. - Judges 19:24-25
(Why any woman would have respect for the bible baffles me).
The heart of the understanding one acquires knowledge,+And the ear of the wise seeks to find knowledge. - Proverbs 18:15
Yet the Watchtower Society strongly discourages higher education. Awake! Oct 2015 even said this:
Take steps to find employment. Use the time you would have been working to apply for jobs. A caution: Some people would tell you to “follow your dreams” when it comes to a career. But looking for your ‘dream career’ likely will narrow your options for work and blind you to employment opportunities that are right in front of you! Rather than waste time focusing on a particular type of work, keep your options open. Remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do. In fact, it has been observed that the more experience and skill workers acquire, the more they enjoy their work. You don’t have to do what you love in order to love what you do! [emphasis mine]
The so-called demon possessed people in the New Testament are very clearly suffering from mental illness or epilepsy. People back then wouldn't have known about mental illness. The Jews believed that sin causes people to become sick, the ancient Greeks thought that the gods influence human behavior.
There's no mention in the bible of the Americas, North or South poles, Australasia or Northern Europe. You'd think an all knowing God would inform his people of this, and most likely want to speak to and guide those people too.
Every miracle in the bible apparently took place in a relatively small part of the world. From Egypt to Italy, and Iraq to Turkey.