The first thing I saw when I went in was the two video screens having the Watchtower singers Chorus doing a number. The sound wasn't up enough to make out the song, but the video was grotesque. The singers were swaying to the music, all independent of each other, no discipline, actually sloppy-looking. This violates my sense of aesthetics and propriety. A polished performance, published and presented for public consumption shouldn't look like wiggly-wiggly. But then, when the congregation stood to sing a song, many felt that they were now licensed to sway and bob to the music. As you can imagine, this included some gigantic back-sides! Hurts my head just remembering!
Bad enough, but the meeting included another bunker video. It was complete with the sounds of an angry worldly crowd outside, a secret door knock, and sorrowing over the inactive brother who wasn't in the "safe room."
Drivel.FOG. Fear, Obligation, and Guilt. In spades.