In the bunker

by Lost in the fog 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lost in the fog
    Lost in the fog

    Imagine that you are in the middle of the (JWs version) Great Tribulation. Food and basic supplies are scarce, the secret and not-so-secret police are actively searching for you and your family. You have to make it to Bro Faithful's secret bunker to hunker down with the rest of the congregation. What is utmost on your mind as the male family head?

    I need to shave!

    "Daddy, the police are coming up the drive."

    "Shush child, I have to finish shaving."

    It was a bearded friend who pointed this quirk out to me. In the JW video of a couple of years ago where all the JWs are hiding in the bunker awaiting the end of the world, none of the brothers are sporting 5 o'clock shadows, or look as if they were unshaven after days on the run. There wasn't one bearded man among the whole group! So yes, you've guessed it. When the end of the system is upon them SHAVING will be the first thing on their mind. Possibly even waxing, who knows.

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  • GermanXJW

    Like meat in due season, Jehovah will be providing for a miraculous stop of facial hair growing.

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  • smiddy3

    Why hide in a bunker ? Shouldn`t they be putting their trust in Jehovah to protect them ?

    Stand firm and go before the courts and await the Holy Spirit to put words in their mouth giving a great witness?

    A classic example of this was at the CARC when an Elder was obviously waiting for the Holy Spirit to put words in his mouth when asked questions and it was embarrassing to watch when no such help was given .I wish I could download stuff

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  • Finkelstein

    Probably Jah will look after the shaving bit, which makes one wonder why did he create man to have beards in the first place,

    His chosen earthly minions think they are disgusting and unrighteous so maybe he'll change his mind eventually.

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  • zeb

    "..and go before the courts and await the Holy Spirit to put words in their mouth giving a great witness?"Like it was absent for the clods who appeared at the CARC.

    Mathew 10 v 19. words of Jesus.

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  • eyeuse2badub

    Don't you wonder why jesus and the 11 faithful apostles didn't try to hide out in a bunker? I call it "bunker bullsh*t".

    just saying!

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  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. controls its members by Fear, Obligation and Guilt.

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  • pale.emperor

    Tell ya what, if I were in that bunker, that Latina sister and I would soon find ourselves disfellowshipped.

    I mean... damn...

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  • Vidiot
    smiddy3 - "Why hide in a bunker? Shouldn`t they be putting their trust in Jehovah to protect them?"

    That one's always had me scratching my head, too...

    ...particularly since the NWO stormtroopers obviously knew where the bunker was.

    WTF was the point?

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  • Vidiot
    smiddy3 - " the CARC when an Elder was obviously waiting for the Holy Spirit to put words in his mouth when asked questions and it was embarrassing to watch when no such help was given..."

    Oh, I know.

    If you do some digging, there's a few screencaps of a couple of those guys, and they do not look comfy.

    I suppose that's what happens when imaginary authority runs into the real thing.

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