What usually happens to inactive witnesses when they try to make a return? I have an associate who is and wants to return, what shall i tell him?
return after being inactive
by brownlove2000 28 Replies latest jw friends
They take 'em out back and flog 'em with a rubber hose unil they agree to believe everything in the Watchtower without asking any real questions.
First, 2 elders will grill him as to his activities outside the congregation, fornication, smoking, etc. If he has engaged in any such or similar DFing acitivities, then it skips to a judicial committee, and if he convinces them he is repentant he can be
reproved privately with restrictions
reproved publicly with restrictions
Then it will take about a year to get back the privilege of answering at the meetings, participating in the ministry school, praying at the meetings (even the book study).
If he has not participated in those things, then this will happen (even if he is reproved):
He will also be required to study a publication (probably the worship God) book with a brother or married couple to bring him up to date on the doctrines and new light of the WTS. They will be allowed to count the time, 1 return visit each time they come and 1 bible study.
This thread isn't dealing with a Dfed person.....but rather an inactive one. I'm not aware that elders ask such type questions to those who return from inactivity unless they have reason to ask.Normally they welcome back those who have been gone for awhile.
Actually an inactive one, is one who hasn't reported time for a period.....however I'm taking it for granted the ownwer of this thread meant one who has been away for awhile.
Gumby, I was an inactive person and they asked me and there was no reason to ask. It may just depend on the elder body. We know that elders and elder bodies are not uniform in their application of the written and unwritten rules of the WTS. They should be prepared that they might ask, with a view to "helping." If it has been some time, I have been told they will definitely ask a few questions about these things.
km 11/00 p. 3 Question BoxBefore inviting a longtime inactive one to share again in the ministry, it is advisable for two elders to meet with him to see if he qualifies as a Kingdom publisher. They will follow a procedure similar to that used when meeting with new ones who are seeking to qualify as publishers of the good news. (See the November 15, 1988, Watchtower, page 17.) The inactive one should have an earnest desire to share the good news with others. He also needs to meet the basic requirements outlined on pages 98-9 in the Our Ministry book and to be consistent in attending congregation meetings
Some questions are:
Does he know what the Bible says about fornication, adultery, polygamy and homosexuality, and is he living in harmony with such teachings:
If the person is living with one of the opposite sex, are they properly married?
Does he keep himself clean from the defilement of tobacco, betel nut, and other things that contaminate the body? Is he free from nonmedical use of addictive drugs?
Is he free from all involvement in the political affairs of the world?
I don't think my honey was grilled by the elders when he reactivated, but I can vouch for the rest of Blondie's description. My honey is working on year (and book) three of a reinstatement exercise, with a gradual return of priveleges.
It's a very gradual process that ensures loyalty to the
moborganization. -
This is my guess as to what happens....
they probably welcome you and say how happy they are to see you and they would carry on that way for a few months and then after about a year you would be thinking "what on earth am i doing here"
Love Bombing by the rank and file.Suspicion from the elder body.Red flags going off.Then innocently slyly they probe without you thinking they are probing looking for any double life you may have been leading while inactive.Some do this by the book,others are sneaky and try to make like everything is ok.Good to see you ,we missed you,.welcome back,etc.
If u have been out quite a while, say over 5 yrs, they will be asking some questions. The reason, if u are not associating with JWS, then u must be associating with worldly people. So u may have acquired some unclean habits.. Also, u may have fallen into satans snare of fronication, adultry, and the internet. All these things will need to be resolved before u can be presented to the cong. as a Real JWS. Such activites as answering questions, FS, any privliges, etc, will be witheld until u are cleared. Most certainly u willl be studied with. However, if u were an elder and friends with everyone, then they can expidite this.