The answer to ALL your questions...MR HINKY (from Dantheman's Avatar) ya little sh*t!
Nonesensical Answers Welcomed
by Guest 77 20 Replies latest social current
I saw God at the Jethro Tull concert in 1976
XW, that was me.
Your Jethro Tull???? Cool dude....
Guest 77
Yes, far-on, its non-sen-si-cal. Mind you, I even checked the spelling in the dictionary before posting the word and I still mispelled it! You still got the drift though, didn't you? And that's all it matters!
Guest 77
I predict that the great prophet mohamed will come to him in a dream and a huge earth quake will open all the prison cell doors letting him out a free man to wield all sorts of evil in the name of Islam . Then when he dies he goes to hell and does the nasty thang with Satan , just like in the south park movie .
Let me answer your question with a question:
If you were flying upside down in your canoe and your wheel fell off, how many minutes would it take a bluebird to kick a hole in a pickle?
Answer that and I will tell you who is buried in Grant's tomb.
Your Jethro Tull???? Cool dude....
OMG, I've been outed!!
I think Samwise and Frodo had a thing for one another....or was that a ´ring´ for one another?
will Saddam get a quick trial and a quick sentence like Mcveigh or will it a long drawn out affair?
I'm envisioning Nuremburg.
Was Saddam set up by powerful forces beyond his imagination? Why your answer?
Yes, the Kurd's are mighty. Cause I said so.
Nonesensical answers welcomed.
*Puts finger between lips and makes babababababa sounds*
PS Syrup is an outie!
If you want a real look at how war crimes trial work pick up the January's Harper's Magazine and read the article WAR crime and punishment, What the United States could learn from the Milosevic trial by Guy Lesser . This article gives real detail about how international tribunals work, although with Iraq and its current state the Iraqis may just take him out back of Akbar's Goat Emporium and blow his head off... Sincerely, District Overbeer