Yep, thats why we need all that money for new k halls.
No mention of the elephant, but i hear the deafening silence. Oh, and "the governing body are directing all of you to review the dec 2015 broadcast regarding using all tools available for spiritual advancement" Thats wots wrong apparently, "you've lost the love you had at first" I have pretty much had a gutfull. Especially when I take the same critical view of these teachings as jw's tell others to do. Things take on such a clearer perspective when you research what the scriptures say, the translation issues and the tendancy to translate to support your own belief system.
I believe more people are awake than we realise from my own observations.
And The bethel speaker ( allan wood) made an interesting application to some words paul uttered about the ministry and the relief ministry,,,, went on to encourage financial support for the relief ministry. I will try to find the scripture. I'm sure some scholars on here and the context itself would challenge that application.
I found it,, 2 Cor 5:18 ,,,,, the preaching ministry.
2 Cor 8:4 ,,,,,,,, disaster relief ministry. mmmmmmm