What day off the Week?

by BereanThinker7 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    Personally, I do not doubt the existence of Jesus as a Historical Figure. But the Gospels and later writings have to be taken for what they are, not what we want them to be.

    Yes, they may, possibly, record some of his words, with probably doubtful accuracy, but certainly a lot of the deeds he is supposed to have done, and events around his death, all smack of Fiction.

    There is a lot more about the Gospels that mean they were never written as Histories or verbatim reports of conversations etc, but were written to bolster the nascent Jesus Movement. Each Gospel writer has an agenda, that colours his writing.

  • Phizzy

    This is an interesting quote from Professor Bart Ehrman on the Historical Jesus, and sheds light on why we can not be dogmatic upon anything to do with him, day of death, hour of death, or whatever :

    “I personally love the Bible. I read it all the time, in the original Greek and Hebrew; I study it; I teach it. I have done so for over thirty-five years. And I don’t plan to stop any time soon. But I don’t think the Bible is perfect. Far from it. The Bible is filled with a multitude of voices, and these voices are often at odds with one another, contradicting one another in minute details and in major issues involving such basic views as what God is like, who the people of God are, who Jesus is, how one can be in a right relationship with God, why there is suffering in the world, how we are to behave, and on and on. And I heartily disagree with the views of most of the biblical authors on one point or another. Still, in my judgment all of these voices are valuable and they should all be listened to. Some of the writers of the Bible were religious geniuses, and just as we listen to other geniuses of our tradition—Mozart and Beethoven, Shakespeare and Dickens—so we ought to listen to the authors of the Bible. But they were not inspired by God, in my opinion, any more than any other genius is. And they contradict each other all over the map.”

    Bart D. Ehrman, Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth
  • waton

    the quandary arises from the story that Jesus invoked Jonah, who with oxygen supply and acid resistant coating survived 3 -three- days in the fish. saying he, the messiah, would emerge after 3 days from the tomb.

    That meant he spend saturday, friday. thursday in our sequencing in sheol, died Wednesday not earlier than Thursday.

    Lazarus his contemporary resurrectee at 4 days was already odorous, so he avoided that stage.

    Jesus could not have been a false prophet, because that would not made him an unblemished ransom sacrifice, so: give him the three days of cave dwelling.

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