Yes it's true...I am having flashbacks of my angsty teen years where my call to arms was always "You just don't understand me!"
Miss Eyegirl and I have been spending a lot of time together. Probably too much for the safety of the human race. We have come to share a lobe (no, not liver lobes--besides that rat slippy already claimed dibs on all her liver lobes). It's good to find people on the same page as you. It's pretty rare.
Case in point. After my dear albino sister went home I was watching a movie with my mom. A scene in the movie shows the main characters taking a boat ride and looking into the tree they see two owls on a branch. So I bellered and I quote, "HOOTERS!" as any red blooded American would. At this point Eyegirl usually spits her champagne all over herself while laughing at me. Instead, I was greeted with a deep silence from my mothers direction. I'm sure she's counting the days until my graduation. I giggled on the inside because damnit it was funny! And thought to myself, "No one gets me."
I feel very lucky to know miss Eyegirl. As I am sure most of you long time posters know, she is my siamese twin who I was never conjoined to, who was born in different year, in a different part of the state, to different parents.
I guess the older I get the more I realize finding people who get you, and I mean REALLY get you is tough. Especailly leaving such a wacky religion as many of us did. Finding people who can realate to tough family rules, no holidays, no traditions, fanatical biblical adhearance, and everything that goes along with that is tough. Not impossible just tough.
Places like this help.
But even more than that. It's even harder to find people who think like you. Who you know how they will react when you say something. Who know what your limits are. Someone you feel comfortable with.
For a long time after I left the JW's I was convinced I would never find life-long friends like I had when I was a JW. I thought I was too old. People who have best friends have had them since they were little. I thought for sure there would never be anyone I could relate to again. I had condemned myself to a life of mere acquaintances.
Lucky for me I have met people who I do bond with. Several here too. You people know who you are, and you do get me. I dunno if it's because I am feeling old, feeling hormonal, or it's the champagne remnants talking, but I have realized how valuable friends are. Good ones. Who get you.
So my dear posters of JWD. I lift my glass to you and say Cheers!
Have a wonderful new year filled with many friends who do get you.