When I first came on thie board, there was a lot of attention to it. Someone mentioned in another post peoples attention span in todays instant gratification society that when a subject is'nt in the media spotlight, it kinda goes away. I want people to know that these court cases are still ongoing, & sometimes they take years to resolve. It has'nt gone away, despite the fact that, unlike last year there have been hardly any major media stories about it. Also, with some of the BB/RF squabbles that have gone on, it seems that people are not as motivated by the silentlambs thing. This is still important, whether we agree with Bowen's methods or not. I'd really like to see more info & discussion of this subject, painful or not. Remember, this is a policy, only secondary to the blood issue that is still hurting people on a daily basis. They're still doing it, the WTS, but manage to fly under the radar more, as they are not nearly as big or influential, as, say, catholicism.
Attention to child molestation waning?
by avishai 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Can not see anything on your post -- any way I am going to reply. Attention to anything can wane after a while and that is not good -- people seemed to have lost attention to terrorism after 9/11 and if the Child Molestation issue is not constantly brough to peoples attention it can fade into the background --that is not good -- we all must be vigilant to help people like Bill Bowen so that no more children are hurt and have their lives ruined
Still, try again, I had to edit, as I posted accidently. Interesting how your post mirrors mine, even tho' you did'nt read it! Great mind's run in the same sewers, I guess!
Thanks for bringing this up.
I personally don't know what else I can do to help. I support current efforts to get this into the open, I've written to my MP, so basically I think that many of us are simply at a loss as to what we can now do about it.
Of course, talking about it and keeping it in mind helps so that it isn't ignored.
I agree, Sometime these things are forgotten with time. The Watchtower has worked very hard at becoming spin doctors for over 100 years, they are masters of deception. However, I will never forget, as my ex-wife was molested by a congregation member. Every chance I get, I spread the word about this f*cking cult.
Every time I see an article concerning the Catholics and their molestation problems.....I wonder why in the hell the witnesses do not get their FAIR dose of media exposer. Why is there not more investigation by government as there is with the Catholics? I realise of the size difference of the two, however the witnesses seem not to be at least mentioned along with them when they write articles about it. The dubs have not yet to this day, had ther asses kicked hard enough to satisfy anyone.
Guest 77
Is it a matter of people's attention span, apathy, or are they so involved in their lives that nothing else really matters? I guess we can come with all types of answers including the length of time that it takes for these cases to get to court.
I believe someone came up with the question months ago, do non -JW's really take an interest in any JW issues? There is so much sex related scandals going on that it's heading in the direction of becoming the norm. If that's the case, we are in serious trouble. Where and when will we get justice?
Guest 77
Avishai, the battle has come into in Sac. http://www.granitebaypt.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=1155&SectionID=1&SubSectionID=81&S=1
This case involves people I knew..........Burn Baby Burn.
Good article, NWS!!!
Special K
Good Article NWS..
and enjoyed Bill Bowens comment.
?They make the Catholic Church look like saints,? Bowen said
I agree with you Avishai.. I'd like to see this horrible injustice that is going on in J.W. congregations kept to the forefront...
Special K