I went to a gay bar ...

by acsot 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanFranciscoJim
    But one thing I gotta say is, some of those gay fellows are mighty cute! What a waste - so many men, so little opportunity .

    I am personally grateful that I am somewhat homely. This way, you cannot consider me a waste.

  • acsot

    SFJ, don't know what you meant by that - maybe I need another coffee .

  • Gretchen956
    Would you have gone to a lesbian bar??? That's a test for a straight woman.

    Actually I know LOTS of straight women that go to les bars and gay bars. The reason? They don't have to sit around and wait for the men to get drunk enough to ask them to dance. They just dance with each other or who ever else asks. And guess what, if someone asks you out, its really very simple to say, I'm straight, but thanks for asking.

    Most of the women I know do NOT get weirded out by lesbians in the same way that straight men seem to about the boys. And if you happen into a boy bar, you can dance all night because gay men are some of the best dancers anywhere.


  • SanFranciscoJim
    SFJ, don't know what you meant by that - maybe I need another coffee .

    Perhaps I should have explained a little more. I've been rather grumpy lately, and my statement was a reflection of my mood. It was not meant as an attack, but just a personal reflection.

    I was not born with the "GQ" look. My physical appearance has always been "average" at best. Part of the problem, not just with the gay community, but with society as a whole, is that there seems to be a standard by which people are judged based upon outward appearances and physical attributes. When I was younger, I wanted to alter my appearance so that I would be accepted by the "in" crowd. I was never invited to "the" parties, and I was usually shunned by those who were gifted with the body of Adonis and/or the endowment of Apollo.

    Being a former JW who experienced the worst sort of shunning after I was disfellowshipped, I have always been sensitive to any situation where I am shunned.

    Now that I am older (47) and in a very happy long-term relationship, that sort of superficiality means less to me personally any more. Yet, the myth that exterior beauty equals success and happiness continues to be perpetuated, and I wonder how many "less-than" youths suffer because of it as I did. Last year, I discontinued a subscription to a magazine because they ran a very offensive advertisement for a diet drug picturing a buff man in a shower, while behind him stood several forlorn-looking bald, pot-bellied, middle-aged men. The caption read something to the effect of "Take our product now before it is too late."

    I wrote to the publisher and told them that I was a middle-aged man with a less-than-perfect body, and by their accepting such advertising, they obviously considered me as being "too late" for help, and therefore I cancelled my subscription. I never heard back from them, although I have been told that the offending ad no longer runs in their magazine, so likely I was not the only person who found it offensive.

    I'm glad you had such a good time in the bar, but I suppose the point I was trying to make (in all my grumpiness) is that you saw a very superficial side of the gay community. It is a segment of society I personally want nothing to do with, because I've had enough shunning to last a lifetime.

    I apologize if you found my remarks offensive. I was just thinking out loud.

  • WildHorses
    But one thing I gotta say is, some of those gay fellows are mighty cute! What a waste

    From what my cousin told me, there is nothing wasted.

  • Kaethra

    Too cool acsot. You know that you're doomed for sure at the big A now, right? ;)

  • Valis

    The last time I went to a gay bar my friends invited me out, actually they rescued me from tripping by myself at home...so we went to this bar they like and it was great fun...lots of techno and pretty colors flying accross the screen, happy people everywhere....then the tequila... I puked over a balcony and splatted a drag queen...for some reason they asked me to leave after that. *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • acsot
    Actually I know LOTS of straight women that go to les bars and gay bars. The reason? They don't have to sit around and wait for the men to get drunk enough to ask them to dance. They just dance with each other or who ever else asks. And guess what, if someone asks you out, its really very simple to say, I'm straight, but thanks for asking.

    Gretchen: what a great idea! Never thought of that! Only problem is around here most of the bars/discos are so smoke-filled you can barely see in front of you. If there was a no-smoking lesbian disco I'd go in a heartbeat.

    SFJ: I am 46 years old and average in every way. I was joking when I said "what a waste". And the ones I was saying it about are probably young enough to be my sons. Gays say it about good-looking straight guys (my brother says it all the time), so I thought I could also. Sorry. I was not shunning anyone.

    You know how they say opposites attract? It seems that way with my brother and his companion. My brother (notwithstanding the above tongue-in-cheek comments) is a Ph.D., teaches sociology at university, reads Sartre in his spare time, collects abstract art, can discuss wines and vintages, etc.; his companion reads People magazine and pines away for Johnny Depp. Me, in the meantime, am trying to play "catch up" and am reading Buddhist teachings, existentialist philosophy, etc. as well as taking journalism courses at night. At times I find my brother-in-law to be way too superficial for my taste, his topics of conversation revolve around who is the better-looking person, who is going with who in the entertainment world, etc. Then again, I don't have to live with him, and if my brother's happy, great.

    I've read lots of your posts, SFJ, and you've never seemed grumpy, so you're entitled to it now and then . Cheers.

  • Surreptitious

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