I found an old friend

by Aztec 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Aztec

    I'm hoping for a few positive experiences here!

    I found an old friend via the meetup site: http://www.meetup.com

    The person I've found was part of my first congregation. He had an overzealous, single mother, pioneer and he's recently "out". I emailed him a link to this site and I hope he responds. I haven't spoken to him in at least 19 years.

    Have any of you had a good reunion with a long lost JW friend and how did it turn out?

    Wish me luck!


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Sounds like you will have a good time Azzy, all the best to you.


  • JamesThomas

    Sorry, no stories to share, but I wish you the very best of luck with your reunion. Please let us all know how it turns out. j

  • Country_Woman

    That's nice - hope he find his way to this forum.
    Meanwhile, enjoy old friendship.

  • Aztec

    Thanks! I've sent him an email and I hope he responds. I know not everyone checks their email everyday so, I'm being patient. It's kind of cool as I haven't found any of my friends before and I'm really excited. We shall see.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Yes but I met her through this site. I used to hang out with her at the hall and afterwards. She was a good friend that wasn't allowed to associate with me after I quit attending meetings. She is trying to fade.

    She is my age and every bit as bright as I am or brighter. Of course being the good little sister she was forced to pioneer and work at a fast food joint here in town. She is gorgeous and should be nearing her diploma instead of working for minimum wage.

    She knows she will have to make a break. I am trying to get her into the apartment where I live during school. I also have some connections for decent work. She is getting movitivated and wants to attend junior college. In fact she's signed up for a couple of evening classes this coming semester.

    If she manages to make the break she will be my maid of honor. I will purchase her the ticket to Maui for it. She's becoming a good friend again.

    The website you listed is one I'm going to check out. I still know almost everyone from my old hall but they don't want to talk to me. I'd love to reconnect with some old highschool friends.

    I guess I'm not out of highschool long enough to really be missing very many.

  • Aztec

    Stacy, thanks for sharing your story. That's wonderful!

    I got an email back! Yipppeee!!!! My old buddy remembers me and was wanting to know what is happening with me and my family. I'm so giddy I went to bed giggling. I haven't talked to this guy is almost 20 years. Apparantly his mother is shunning him and his siblings as they've all 'fallen away'. It's kind of like finding a missing piece of your past. I can't explain it. I'm thrilled to have found an old friend.

    Just thought I'd share some happy news.


  • shera

    Nice to hear,hope he joins us here.

  • shamus

    Nice stories! This is why I like this place..

    I met a girl who used to go to my old congregation here too! What are the odds??? She DA'd herself, I believe. We're going to meet up this year maybe! We'll see...

    It is a very cool experience to say the least!

  • xjw_b12

    Aztec: Great news. Hope it turns out well. He'll probably be an OK guy if he knows how to make chili !


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