Fibbing about your time

by SC_Guy 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • itsallgoodnow

    Hey - your dad is one of those easy going JWs, believe me, that's better than it could be, man!

    As for you, if you are still going to meetings and calling yourself a witness, I would quit hanging out in here- we are mostly apostates. Come back when and if you have made a clean break.
    But to whoever said this above ... am I allowed to say "fuck you" out here? If not, well sorry.
  • Jahna

    Lie! Never, maybe stretched the truth a bit, creative accounting and learning neat new ways to prolong events. Like the Pioneer Shuffle. That is where you walk really really slowly in service. Counting houses in the car, before starting (great for keeping warm or cool). Telephone witnessing, great way to do the least amount of actual preaching work in any given time period. Also aids in drinking a lot of coffee Oh, the letter writing deal to add those little bit extra hours you may need while Pioneering. Writing one letter at a time very very slowly really racks up those hours. It?s actually rather amazing how many ?lost? hours you can find to report in a month.

    Humm now how many times did I mention God?s name to Junior this month? LOL


  • Irreverent

    I can remember driving around with other fellow elders and counting time do drive-bys. You just drive by a call and say that you thought about stopping and that was just as good as an actual visit. marvelous?!?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    SC_Guy I think your Dad is great! He's "making it work" without further burdening his family - good trait in a family head. He might feel like a lot of us before we left - that it is completely unscriptural to make a report of time you spend in "service!" Jesus never once mentioned, nor did any of the Bible writers, turning in a field service report. What a joke!

    One of the things that really pushed my exit buttons near the end of my association was when I heard an elder speak of "the high hour publishers." That expression just burned me up! We're not supposed to be placed in categories like that.

    I must say right on to Maverick's comments and I agree whole heartedly with many others who have responded here - you can really be grateful that your Dad and Mom don't burden you in that area - so many JW parents push their kids (for various reasons - I won't judge here) and make their lives more difficult and more unpleasant than they need to be.

  • willyloman
    I hated getting "the call" at the end of the month too, and feel like I had to confess my spritual deficiency to the brother who did the time reports. What a humiliation.

    ...Which is why so many lie about it.

    That, and the constant pressure to do more in the FS and get your hourly average up so you could be "used" in the congo. How many service meetings did we sit thru on Thurs nite while being exhorted to get the congregation up to the national average? Publishers may not realize the reaming elders got from the CO during his visit if the congo average was, say 7.4 hours, and the national was 9. He'd leave expecting to see the numbers up when he got back in six months, and elders went ballistic accordingly.

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