SC_Guy I think your Dad is great! He's "making it work" without further burdening his family - good trait in a family head. He might feel like a lot of us before we left - that it is completely unscriptural to make a report of time you spend in "service!" Jesus never once mentioned, nor did any of the Bible writers, turning in a field service report. What a joke!
One of the things that really pushed my exit buttons near the end of my association was when I heard an elder speak of "the high hour publishers." That expression just burned me up! We're not supposed to be placed in categories like that.
I must say right on to Maverick's comments and I agree whole heartedly with many others who have responded here - you can really be grateful that your Dad and Mom don't burden you in that area - so many JW parents push their kids (for various reasons - I won't judge here) and make their lives more difficult and more unpleasant than they need to be.