My daughter was telling me yesterday that she was explaining the differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions to her co-workers. She explained that Witnesses can't date "worldly" people-----only fellow Witnesses. She said JWs don't celebrate birthdays because they are "pagan".......It dawned on my daughter that it was very incredible all the things Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in or will not do.....Can you think of different things that only JWs do or do not do???
Give All The Ways JWs Are Different From The "World" aka "Normal People"
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Feeling good about world problems?
One difference: jw's have many 'absolute' type morals. Non dubs, nonreligious peoples' morals are variable. Although fundies also have some absolute morals, i think dubs have more. Muslims have only a few.
Bradley, That's a good one!! "Oh my. Did you hear how thousands of innocent people just lost their lives when Islamic extremists slammed airplanes into the Twin Towers?"........."Yeah, isn't it great? Now these people might have a chance for a ressurection."----------"Another earthquake brought devestation to Iran!!"......."Terrific!!! This proves we're truly in the last days and our deliverance is getting near".
I have noticed my honey becoming increasingly judgemental of other's behavior, as he has become more assimilated in to the JW lifestyle. I get the feeling they are resentful of all the "fun" the people of the world have, with no apparent consequence.
Well, duh. Maybe fun is not sinful.
As far as some of the base sins that all mankind has in common - such as covetousness, greed, and lying, I see no difference between JW's and worldly folk.
The JW emphasis is on externals - dress, demeanor - not on character change.
My sister (former Bethelite/current elderess) was a big fan of Princess Di. When she was killed my sister actually was in a good mood because, in her words, "at least now she has a hope...what were the chances she would have accepted the Truth?"
Strange, strange pretzel logic.
Normal people talk to their children---even if they have a religious difference.....not JWs.>>>>>>...Normal people will say, "Good luck". JWs will say something like, "I wish you good fortune.">>>>>>>Normal men will not find wearing a beard, offensive and unbecoming. JWs do.>>>>>Normal people could say, "May God bless you!". JWs would almost always say, "May Jehovah God bless you".
They have a hang-up about oral sex - I still do!
They are smug.
As a kid I made quite a few "worldly" friends who wanted to hang out, go to shows etc. I became an expert at keeping them at arm's length.
"Uhhhh... go to see a band this Saturday?.uhh..I think we are going out of town.."
I was also great at concealing the fact that I was a part of a kooky religious organization.