WHY did you get baptised?

by fairy 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    For those of you that were baptised later in life (like mid-twenties on..), was there a noticable change (in the negative direction) in the behavior of the other members toward you after you were baptised? ------------ Whenever I go the to hall ( not often) I get love-bombed.

    The love bombing and invites out slowed down after I got baptized --but all started again when I was appointed an elder -- anyone would think I had been made alittle God when appointed an elder.

  • Flowerpetal


    They should use the example of jesus......he didnt get baptised till he was in his 30's?

    That's exactly it....yet getting married at a young age is discouraged. Isn't baptism a more serious decision than marriage? I was 11 1/2 yrs. old when I was baptised in 1959. At that time there were no 200+ questions to answer in front of elders. I sort of understood what I was doing, but also I believe I did it to make my mom and my best friend at the time, happy. She was baptized at the age of 7--how awful, right? Yet to this day, she is still a regular pioneer, having been one since 1965 after high school graduation. I regret getting baptized so early...yet now, continuing to make my fade from the WTS, if I ever joined a church (which I doubt I would) it would seem I wouldn't have to get baptized again, since MY baptism in 1959 was under a different set of 2 questions, and the "spirit directed organization" was not in those 2 questions. If a church insisted on me getting baptized, it would only prove the point, at least to me, that people get baptized into a "church" or "organization" rather than to God.

  • Undecided

    I needed a bath.

    Ken P.

  • Hapgood

    Why did I get baptized? One word, FEAR!!! I was baptized in 1975 after only studying with the jws for 6 months. I didn't understand what I was getting into. After all, they taught that in 1975 Armageddon was imminent. So I thought that I had better get dunked, and sort it all out later. I trusted them, even though I didn't understand completely what was involved, I believed that the jws had the truth.

    I know real stupid, I was at a vulnerable time in my life.


  • Dismembered

    Peer pressure

    Same as most that did.


  • AlanB

    Yea, same old story, was brought up in it, was conditioned so that I sort of believed it and there was peer pressure to get Baptised in teens. I held out till I was 18, most of the other youngsters had been baptised and there were those that 'encouraged' me to do so.

    They would use the old 'what prevents me from getting baptised' scripture. I also remember at the time there were some that questionned my getting a good well paid job.

    Guess the bottom line was that it seemed like the thing to do.

  • Country_Woman

    seems the logical next step those days.

    But, I never truly believed in the Organisation - thus, when asked: "are you aware that you will be closer To Jah's Organisation" I did'nt answer at all.
    Think that made my babtising bit of illegal....

  • caligirl

    Mostly because it was the thing to do when you turned 14 in the congregation I grew up in. I also thought it would get me positive attention, at least temporarily.(Didn't work) As for all the questions and answers, there was no heartfelt conviction in answering any of them, just reciting what I was supposed to believe/feel and "passing a test"

  • Nocturne

    I was pressured into getting baptized at the age of 14. Big mistake. It also seemed like the "thing" to do with some of my other friends doing it as well.

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