Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has landed.

by Pork Chop 17 Replies latest social current

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    It's down, first signal has been sent apparently it's still bouncing. I was up all night for the last one.

  • Stephanus

    Now if it could just find the lost British expedition...

    "Dr Livingston, I presume"?

  • Globetrotter

    Can you pick up the signal? Are you an amateur radio operator? That would be neat. I would listen to MIR as it passed over every night. Got a frequency?

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Apparently it's in the deployment stage at the moment, which should take about 80 minutes. Then if the Odyssey is overhead it can transmit data via the orbiter. Could be pictures fairly early on if the mast deploys OK. The signal has to be decrypted by computer so an amateur really doesn't have a crack at it.

  • Elsewhere

    This is GREAT!!!

    I've been so worried about those rovers... Spirit has landed, now we need to watch out for her sister Opportunity.

  • observador

    I just saw the press conference and the first picture from the rover Spirit may be seen about 2:30 am ET. Right now it is 1:15 am.

  • Satanus

    This is super. Nasa must be in celebration mode now


  • Sentinel

    Wow, this is great. I know that NASA was a bit concerned when it first entered Mars atmosphere, as they were getting "nothing" from their readings. If it's landed, this is a very good thing. Alll this data will be significant to our exploration of the planet.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The first black and white pictures have been transmitted, should be color today. I think it will be next week before they actually begin to explore with the Rover.

  • gumby
    The first black and white pictures have been transmitted

    You mean to tell me only white people and black people live there? No indians, mexicans, or asians..... ????????

    Actually the article said it will sit for 9 days before exploration begins.


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