Apology to Little Witch

by Yerusalyim 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    In a now locked thread I called Little Witch...Liberal Witch. I did it to get under her skin...she isn't liberal...nor is she a witch. She's actually fairly conservative...I've apologized to her privately...but wanted to do so publically.

    Folks...I'm a bleeding heart conservative...I can't change...don't want to change...I'm sorry if I come on a little strong sometimes...but it's better than being wishy washy...at least in my opinion....sometimes I piss people off...and sometimes I do it on purpose...and this behavior goes on in this board from the right...the left and the middle.

    Let's all play nice...I'll start........there...isn't that better?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Conservative you say? More like an apologists! Haven't you been down this road before? Anyways, you gave me a laugh.

    Guest 77

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    May I make a suggestion?

    I know next to nothing about politics. Maybe it's leftover from those old neutral JW days, but at any rate what I have observed on the current affairs/political threads here is that the sweeping generalized topic "Bush is Best" or "Bush Sucks" or "Hidden Liberal Agenda", et al. are not very productive. It seems those are the threads that often, but not always, lead to such rancor. The tone of the thread is set by the topic title, and such a polarizing opinion has the effect of immediately splitting into two opposite camps of "Yes he is" "No he isn't".

    So maybe it would be best if the topics could be more specific using less inflammatory rhetoric as a topic title.

    Just a thought.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Thanks Yeru, you are very sweet. There are no hard feelings here.

  • Valis

    At least he didn't call you a Liberal Wench!


    District Overbeer of the "My kingdom for a liberal wench!" class

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Liberal wrench?

    Socket wrench.

  • nowisee

    big tex -

    you are sooo wise....and sooo funny.

  • minimus

    I like Little Witch. It's a good thing you apologized to her or I woulda have to come and getcha, son.

  • Valis

    Yeru would run over you w/a tank or something min..


    District Overbeer

  • SixofNine

    Nice of you to apologize if you really felt you made her feel bad Yeru; that's gentlemanly.

    In case anyone wonders, I'm more conservative than Yeru , and 100% liberal; it's not a dirty word. America was built on the ideas of liberal democracy. Liberal and conservative are in no way opposites, they've just been made to seem that way by word rapist with narrow agendas. Most Americans see the value in being both liberal and conservative.

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