Political Discussions

by Heatmiser 60 Replies latest social current

  • Heatmiser

    I have been reading the previous posts today and have noticed some pretty heated depates on politcs with, rightfully so, locked threads.

    All of us on this board come from many different countries with different forms of goverments and benifits. Everybody thinks that they have the best and are willing to defend that view. I would hate to see any of us lose "friendships" on this forum over debates that have no winners.

    I enjoy posts from everybody that is involved in these discussions and would hate to loose the insights they provide on every other issue besides politics. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?".

    Just my 2 cents


  • Gretchen956

    Amen, I personally have just stopped reading them at all. Whats the point, no one is going to pursuade anyone else anyway and it just becomes a pissing match.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    I think most of the people on this board, regardless of political affiliation, will have as much success persuading those who do not see things their way to join their camp as they would in persuading someone here to return to the JWs.

    When I voice my political views, they are expressed out of personal fear that the candidate(s) I see as a damaging element to our society will be elected/re-elected. However, Gretchen has it right about turning into pissing matches, which is why I rarely participate in these threads lately. All that can be said has been said.

    I will take my views to the polling station and hope for the best.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    No, mankind's history demonstrates unequivocally that we can't all just get along. When you're talking about serious issues that impact people's lives and there are real difference's of opinion then why would you even want such a thing. "just getting along" is a sludge of indifference.

  • Simon

    I enjoy political discussion as much as anyone does but it seems many just want to post dogma and propaganda and then complain about people posting opposing opinions. I get especially impatient with the people that do this when it's all they post here.

    With the election coming up, I think we need to make sure that the forum isn't taken over by politics so if anyone is thinking of campaigning on the forum, please think again.

    Proper discussion of current affairs will be ok.

  • Yerusalyim

    Does that mean the Dean for President Avatars must go?

    The dogma and propoganda goes both ways...as does legitimate discussion of issues.

  • Heatmiser
    In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?".

    This part of my post was a little joke.

    I just don't see the point of people from different countries getting into heated discussions over nationalistic political views. It is like comparing apples and bannanas.

    The problem with politics is that what one person considers Dogma and Propoganda is a legitimate view point to another person.

    Example: Say I was a republican and spouted the party line. To a democrate I am spouting Dogma and Propoganda. When a democrate spouts his party line, I am thinking Dogma and Propoganda. To him, it is a legitimate political view. No winners, nobody is likely to change. Just a bunch of bad blood between fellow posters.


  • frenchbabyface
  • WildHorses
    Does that mean the Dean for President Avatars must go?

    Who has one of those and where can I get one?

    I enjoy political discussion as much as anyone does but it seems many just want to post dogma and propaganda and then complain about people posting opposing opinions. I get especially impatient with the people that do this when it's all they post here.

    This goes for BOTH sides. Liberal and conservative, but I find it unfair to only lock threads whos opinions you dissagree with. Kind of like saying, "If you don't believe what I do, I will shut you up..lock! Reminds me of children who say....."if you don't play the way I want to, I am not going to play with you."

    If you are going to do that, I think it only fair to stop all political threads.

    Shari, semi-liberal and proud of it.

  • SixofNine

    Having been in a religion that claimed we were engaged in the most history making work in... well... history, while at the same time forbidding us from taking any involvement in the things that actually do make history, I find politics refreshing. It shapes history.

    Attitude is everything. For instance, you see cynicism rear it's ugly head often (it's actually on this very thread, if you look closely). This is usually because people feel powerless against dogmatism, and especially powerless against the already powerful and rich politicians and special interest.

    But look at it this way; the very course of history, and the lives of each person reading this, even the ones not living in the USA are affected by the decisions and actions of one man, George Bush. One man affects most everones life! Love him or hate him, he affects your life! Now some may see that as a reason to be cynical... to feel powerless; I don't. Attitude is everything; if one man can affect the world, with the help of millions of voters of course, then I can do something about that, it's not some vast conspiracy, not yet anyway. He was voted in, if I don't like the job he's doing (and I don't ), I can sure try to vote him out. If someone else likes the job he's doing, they can try to vote for him to keep doing it, and I want to hear what they like about the job he's doing, even if I disagree.

    All the progress in this world has come about because people, WORLDLY people, took action. They took political action, humanitarian action, self-improvement action. They did not just wait on Jehovah. Well folks, to quote brother Jackson, we are the world; we are the let's not act like children, lol.

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