You know, disagreeing and with and hating all the cultish beliefs and practices that mark out JWdom doesn;t make it OK to treat them like Russia is doing. This is one time I find myself defending these largely goodhearted but misled people. If only the GB members and their squad had stayed around to face what they are expecting their followers to face.
JW Persecution in Murmansk, Refugees hit Finland
by Slidin Fast 11 Replies latest jw friends
"Phew..............I got out of that rat hole just in time. Keep warm and well fed brothers,I'll be praying for you! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya............"
Slidin Fast
Sparky, you got it in one.
Room 215
Yeah, and besides the trauma of abandoning their homeland, these refugees are likely guilt-riddden for having deserted their "stronger" brethren who stayed behind to face the FSB's music.
John Free
I have mixed feelings. I also feel sorry for the witnesses suffering in Russia- after all weren’t we once just as hopelessly indoctrinated? Nevertheless, I also feel glad that jw growth in Russia will be severely hit and countless unsuspecting families will be protected from a toxic cult that through trickery and lies would otherwise have enslaved them.
It's all on the GB. They only had to get rid of the extremist teachings and practices.
Alex Bogdanov
What is happening in Russia is fully GB fault. I was born in Latvia under USSR. And I know Russian culture quite well. Russians love when everything is their own. Italian Fiat became Russian Lada etc. Some countries in the west like to do it. For example British Walkers crisps and Worldwide Lays crisps. Why the name is different? Only because British people so desire. I know for a fact Russian government asked Jehovah's Witnesses to 1. Change their name into a more Russian. (Macdonalds in Russia called differently depending on the county) 2. Change the name of the magazines into more Russian. 3 And most of all make a centre for JW work in Russia in Russia. Not a Bethel. But an office that won't constantly report to USA. If the GB really wanted to continue the ministry they could have changed a few rules and make the life of Russian JW easier. But they don't care about the people. Sort of like a dictator when sending troops to die with out any concern. They are stubborn people without any empathy. 😪
Their Doctrines have Ruined Lives and even led to unnecessary deaths.
No one in their right minds will wish harm on any other person ....
The Russian ban must takes its course ..........Tuff shit ~
For instance ...................................
This happens not only in Murmansk; criminal cases now opened in at least 9 towns, and I think there will be much more prosecutions when the Russian Munich-36 is over. In Tver region, children were seized from deaf woman without even decision of "court". And the crazy dictatorship is the one who bears primary responsibility for such actions - its "experts" produced the pseudo-scientific delirium of "expert reports", its law enforcement officers planted evidences, its kangaroo "courts" delivered ridiculous and poorly reasoned "judgments" etc. etc.
Alex Bogdanov
I know for a fact Russian government asked Jehovah's Witnesses to 1. Change their name into a more Russian. (Macdonalds in Russia called differently depending on the county) 2. Change the name of the magazines into more Russian. 3 And most of all make a centre for JW work in Russia in Russia. Not a Bethel. But an office that won't constantly report to USA. If the GB really wanted to continue the ministry they could have changed a few rules and make the life of Russian JW easier. But they don't care about the people. Sort of like a dictator when sending troops to die with out any concern. They are stubborn people without any empathy. 😪
1. Do you really know this? Could you indicate your source, at least in general terms?
2. "1. Change their name into a more Russian" - is "Свидетели Иеговы" not Russian enough? Cyrillic letters, Russian words, what's wrong?
3. "Macdonalds in Russia called differently depending on the county" - are you sure? I think it's not true.
4. "2. Change the name of the magazines into more Russian" - are "Сторожевая башня" and "Пробудитесь!" not Russian enough too? Should they be named "Колокольня"/"Звонница" and "Вставай, страна огромная", yeah? And this claim is nonsense also because these magazines with "not Russian enough" names had not been being imported in Russia since 2010.
5. "3 And most of all make a centre for JW work in Russia in Russia" - this can be true. But do you understand that, first, such demand is not legitimate under Russian Constitution and international agreements; second, only man without any empathy can claim that WT's refusal justifies authorities' actions in any way?
I don't understand why they would still have some administrative center for organizing meetings when it is now against the law to do so. Why not just read a state approved bible in private if you must, pray in private if you must. What about not putting yourself at risk and not breaking the law. Surley not flouting laws is a reasonable option to staying safe? They obviously have no faith in their jerk god "Jehovah's" ability to understand their circumstances.
There is even the bible principle of "a time to speak and a time to keep silent." This is craziness there is no way I would put myself at risk for this stinking cult or its propoganda ever again.