Hello everybody I am a new member and was asking if the members think that the promise of God's kingdom and the ressurection mentioned in the bible are just sales pitches used by the witnesses or if this is really mankinds only hope we have.
by moses 16 Replies latest jw friends
In my opinion it's all a bunch of crap. It's the world's biggest money making scam and has been for nearly 2,000 years. Welcome to the board Moses.
As far as I can tell, a JW hopes to live forever on paradise earth. Of course, that hope is fragile, as it is dependent on continued field service.
Here is a member Christian's take on hope:
Paul also told the Ephesians he was praying that they would realize just how great the believers' hope is through Christ (1:17-18). He prayed that they would get to know God the Father better and realize all that He offers His children. Let's examine a few of the reasons we have for hope in this life and beyond.
- What is our basis for hope?
- We have been given spiritual life and are freed from Satan's death-grip (Eph. 2:1-7).
- We have been given the inner presence of the Holy Spirit, who confirms that we are God's children (Rom. 8:16) and guarantees that our adoption is forever (Eph. 1:13-14).
- We have God's power enabling us to live for Him (2 Cor. 12:9; Eph. 1:19).
- We have assurance that nothing can separate us from God's love (Rom. 8:35-39).
- We have confidence that all the events of life--good and bad--have a purpose (Rom. 8:28) and that God is in control (vv.29-39).
- We have the promise that we can be forgiven of sin and restored to a close relationship with the Father if we confess (1 Jn. 1:5-10).
- We have the guarantee of our Father's help as we live for Him (see section on help).
- We have a Father who hears and answers prayer (see previous section on prayer).
- We have the encouragement that comes from belonging to a family where each is spiritually gifted for the good of others (Rom. 12:1-8; Eph. 4:1-16; Heb. 10:25).
- We have the promise of an abundant, meaningful life (Jn. 10:10).
- We have God's Word to guide us and equip us for every task (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
- What is our hope for eternity?
- We look forward to a coming resurrection (Acts 24:15; 1 Cor. 15).
- We have a heavenly home waiting for us, specially prepared by Christ (Jn. 14:1-6).
- We will be with Christ Himself (1 Jn. 3:2; 2 Cor. 5:6-9; Rev. 21-22).
- We will be like Christ (1 Jn. 3:2)--having a new body that is free from the ravages of sin (2 Cor. 5:1-5).
- We will be reunited with our believing loved ones (1 Th. 4:13-18).
- We will receive an inheritance far beyond our greatest dreams (Eph. 1:11,14,18; Col. 1:12; 1 Pet. 1:3-4).
- Our service for Christ and the sacrifices we made for Him will be richly rewarded (1 Cor. 3:9-15; 9:16-27; Col. 3:24).
- We will experience relief from every kind of sorrow we knew on earth (Rev. 21:4).
if the members think that the promise of God's kingdom and the ressurection mentioned in the bible are just sales pitches used by the witnesses
Blue Bubblegum Girl
was asking if the members think that the promise of God's kingdom and the ressurection mentioned in the bible are just sales pitches
In one form or another.....all christian faiths believe in gods kingdom and some form of paradise. The only difference is the way each one perceives it's reality. For ANY of the ideas presented by christianity to be true........then the bibles message would have to be true. I would start an examination as to the bibles validity and save yourself much time and mental anquish.
BTW......welcome Moses......I believed you were mentioned by another poster a few days ago as a lurker or something.
Special K
Hi Moses.
They definitely are SAles Pitches..
Even when I used to go out in service.. it was all about showing householders pictures of the new kingdom of God... and the hope of the ressurection for dead loved ones..
"isn't that what the whole J.W. philosphy is based on?.... the dangling carrot, the wish of all wishes.. to answer to all that feels yucky.
Special K
Special K
Oh.. by the way Moses.
Welcome to the forum...glad you dropped in..
Pour yourself a coffee.. pull up a chair .. and chit chat for awhile.
Special K
- Here is something that was posted on an e-mail group I belong to. Notice the emphasis is on FAITH, not a religion:
- If a father leaves the house, then he will leave detailed instructions for
his children to follow. But if he is still around, then there is no need for
written instructions. He will personally direct his household. Similarly,
Although Christ died but he did not leave his followers because a) He was
resurrected. b) He sent the Holy Spirit. c) He is still with his true followers today.
The written word found in the scriptures is very important but not intended
to create a religion. It serves as an introduction, a testimony and a
reminder. We have to remember that the written word was not available in such
abundance and available to the masses prior to the invention of the printing press
few hundred years ago. It is rather astonishing to see that Christianity spread
at the speed it did in the first century without the aid of the printing
press, mass media, or fast transport. This is a further testimony that Christ, from
his divine office, was actively directing the work. He is still doing that
That is why a person will not find the true "detailed" Christian faith
based solely on searching the scriptures, writings and interpretations of early or
modern Christians. It is like children trying to find "detailed" instructions
of their father, the ones that he actually never left. It is interesting to
note that the only Christian document that was written and distributed by order
from Christ is the book of Revelation. When examining this book, especially
the first part, we find Christ addressing certain issues pertaining to each of
seven congregations. While we can learn a lot from these admonitions, but
nowhere can we find detailed instructions as what constitutes the true Christian
faith. That is because the written word serves to strengthen a living
relationship and not establish a religion.
Christianity is not mere knowledge "about" God and His Son as many
organizations seem to emphasize, elevating thereby the written word and their
interpretation of it above the relationship that the word meant to serve. Christianity
is knowledge "of", it is a relationship. There is a big difference. True
Christianity is found in the person of Jesus Christ. One must approach and know
Christ personally. He is alive. He is our head and our Lord. He is near and
approachable. However, in order to do that, one must have faith. This is the faith
that leads to salvation, the one that the apostles were talking about versus
works. The faith in approaching Christ, in receiving the Holy Spirit and
living in harmony with the new spirit of Christ. This is the faith that produces
fine fruitage and works. This is the faith that leads to everlasting life.
------------- - My comment is Jesus' words (note the second sentence):
- 18:8
- I say to you that he will quickly do right in their cause. But when the Son of man comes, will there be any faith on earth?
The Bible in Basic English -
Big Tex
are just sales pitches used by the witnesses
It is a sales pitch to the average Jehovah's Witness. The goal being to motivate them to sell literature, thereby generating income, for the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
All the Society cares about now is survival of the religion. They do not give a tinker's damn about the common person, nor are they interested in the problems, hopes and dreams of the people in their religion. It is a mean-spirited, angry, repressive and borderline evil organization. Yes, there are good people in the religion, but they are being weeded out not only by their conscience but by the religion as a whole.
You are looking at an organization that is run by lawyers, bureaucrats and accountants. Spirituality, and common human decency are the last thing these people are concerned with.
Welcome moses and I think someone had a question for you here..
District Overbeer