Outraged After Watching The May 2017 Broadcast

by pale.emperor 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FedUpJW

    Luke 6:32 (NIV): "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them."

    That statement alone is enough to condamn the JDubs. Even sinners love those who love them, yet many of the Dubyas are some of the most back-biting, hateful, petty, gossiping, hypocritical, un-loving, split tongued, reviling, a--holes one would ever have the displeasure to meet.

  • LostGeneration

    I wouldn't worry about those videos. I have a feeling they are creating more apostates every month with that garbage. Those idiots are so tone deaf they don't realize the damage they cause.

  • George One Time
    George One Time

    Why did Bethel elders have to visit the couple in Paris, just because they lived close to the Bataclan theater?! Apart from that, they did not have any problem at all (trauma, yes). Look what stuff other brothers and sisters have to face. For these ones the local elders have to care, if they do. Double standards!

  • tiki

    All of humanity is going to be violently slayed so so soon....but only the bros and sis are going to be spared...so why give a poop about the non believers now who perish in disasters or shootings or bombings.... Just less for post Armageddon cleanup.

  • Annon

    There was a demo one meeting I went to where the householder was told how terrible the world was because some children were killed at a school, but very soon God will fix that, everybody nodded. How good that will be. Nobody seemed to think what that means. According to what they believe thousands or millions or even billions of children exactly the same as the ones they talked about will be killed very soon by God at Armageddon, but that's OK?

    Help! Sometimes I think I am missing something - its the switch at the back of the head that must be switched to "brain set to idle" before the meeting stats.

  • Skepsis

    From my experience, at least in my area, very few witnesses watch these programmes. Only die-hard pioneers or elders although not all of them.

    They started opening KHs in the area one Friday per month with the purpose that all those older members without internet could assist. In fact, all were invited to watch it together as another spiritual activity as a congregation.

    After four months, the arrangement was suspended for low attendance. Most brothers aren't watching it and I reckon it's the American televangelist approach it has the main reason.

    However, I heard it's having more success in other countries but don't think it has a massive success.

  • dozy

    It's the whole back slapping , "aren't we wonderful" impression that really annoys me. What did Jesus say about "blowing your own trumpet"? - as ever , the Society completely ignore that.

    It wouldn't be quite so bad if we knew that overall , the impression that it gives simply isn't true. A constant complaint in every congregation I went to was that the elders didn't really care , and encouraging ( as opposed to counselling ) shepherding calls were rare or non existent.

  • stuckinarut2

    Fantastic thread, and great "rant" pale emperor!

    I agree wholeheartedly with your comments, and those of others too!

    The level of idiocy that witnesses hold is mind blowing!

    Somtoo is the self centred attitude they show...

  • kpop

    You raise a good point but this sort of "us versus them" mentality permeates, even is the foundation of the JW cult. To a JW, a witness life is worth more than a Catholic life. Fact. To be fair, this can be applied to nearly all religions and cults which is why religion is a double edged sword, serving the purpose of both the pacifier and agitator.

  • kpop

    There was a demo one meeting I went to where the householder was told how terrible the world was because some children were killed at a school, but very soon God will fix that, everybody nodded. How good that will be. Nobody seemed to think what that means. According to what they believe thousands or millions or even billions of children exactly the same as the ones they talked about will be killed very soon by God at Armageddon, but that's OK?

    Exactly. They should put a sign up next to the big blue JW.borg sign that reads, "We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your physical belongings in your vehicles, but make sure to leave your common sense and logic locked inside."

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