Spirit sending pictures to earth from mars

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH


    It took 7 months to reach mars. They will try to find signs of life on mars. Maybe one day they will send a man or woman on mars...

    I wish they would find life there. The Watchtower wouldn't know what to say...

  • imallgrowedup

    The Watchtower ain't all that would be shaken up if they found evidence of life there! This will be very interesting to watch in the next days and weeks to come...


  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    There is no life on other planets. God has set up a kingdom and a foundation for humans and animals to lived on, the other planets are for a purpose but not for human life or animal life. Science and evolution does not exist and it is ignorant in the sight of GOD. The men of this world can not understand the work of GOD and they never will.

  • shamus

    I watched this, and it's totally cool! Just to see the mars landscape is incredible and surreal! It looks like nothings there, and I would be suprised if there was life... time will tell that one, though.

    U.K. Do you like hanging out and making fun of us? Do you enjoy it? Why don't you go play on the freeway and get bent your hipster doofus.

  • seattleniceguy
    Science and evolution does [sic] not exist

    I'm not usually sarcastic, but dude. How old are, four? Science does not exist? What planet do you come from? Evolution does not exist? Do you have any concept of what this means? Do yourself a favor and crack open a book or two. Get one on grammar too. Try to have something intelligent to say, you know?

    Seattle Nice Guy

    (Hope I don't destroy my middle name with this one)

  • seattleniceguy

    Er-hmm....Sorry about that. ** straightens collar **

    Yeah, Mars. Pretty awesome. There are some great vids for download at the following URL:

    This is utterly fascinating to me. To work at JPL! What a dream that would be. One of the videos above shows the entry sequence. In an ingenious engineering move, they had the parachuting lander snap pictures of the surface to determine the horizontal speed and direction, and then fire transverse thrusters appropriately so as to try to approach 0 miles per hour both vertically and horizontally, before cutting the cable and letting the air-baggèd lander fall to the surface.

    ** drools all over keyboard ** I'd like to write the software for that baby!


  • shamus


    This little fella is funny. It's obvious that he's a pubescent moron just toying with everyone. His other threads he just got torn to shreds. Oh well... it's nice to see ignorance at work.

  • seattleniceguy

    I guess I didn't exactly follow my suggested protocol on dealing with JW-apologists with compassion and tact. We all fall short many times. Forgive me, U2.

    But follow my advice, 'kay?


  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    "In the sight of man cometh greed and ignorance , in the sight of the almighty cometh luv and righteousness. If a man of this world and life thinks he knows something, this man knoweth nothing at all."

    "Science is not on the level of GOD, God created the heavens and the earth for humans to lived on forever, rememeber This generation passeth away & another generation cometh, but the earth dwelleth forever. If GOD made life on other planets, then he would of told us in the bible. Remember the bible is a gift from the father and he pass it on "TO THE CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD"

    "Its better to be closed minded then to be open minded, Have'nt you heard from the past times that a man who is close to GOD is a good man who follow his commandments and a man who is far from GOD listen's to The men of this world: THE MEN & WOMEN OF THIS TIME CAN NOT TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT HOW LIFE GOT STARTED AND WHERE IT'S GOING, ONLY GOD CAN UNFOLD THE BEGINNING AND THE END - U2K aka The General aka Mystery Ridah 1996"

  • shamus

    Then go be closed minded. Go get a life while you're at it.

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