The 1-8-04 AWAKE has an article entitled: WILL DIPLOMACY BRING WORLD PEACE?----Here's what it says in part:"Would you like to see an end to all wars? Surely there must be some diplomatic solution to national and international conflicts......Should Christians involve themselves in diplomacy?......Hence, true Christians avoid involvement in this world's conflicts and its attemtrs at diplomacy......Bible prophecy and past experience clearly indicate that trusting in human diplomacy to bring peace can only lead to disappointment. Those who rest their hope for peace on Jesus Christ and support God's Kingdom will see their desire for true peace realized.".........ANY COMMENTS???
"True Christians" Avoid Diplomacy
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
Does that mean a Dub can't take a public service job in the Department of Foreign Affairs/Foreign Office/etc?
Hence, true Christians avoid involvement in this world's conflicts and its attemtrs at diplomacy.
I wonder if this writer would have felt the same way if he were in a consentration camp in Germany starving to death during W.W.ll. ? Had it not been for diplomacy, none of those victims would have lived to tell of it......or lived through many other persecutions for that matter.
Hence forth there fore!
Will Power
Isn't the bible full of non-diplomatic resolutions to world problems? Aren't some of these armed conflicts led by and approved by the OT jewish god - so wrote in a book by this same god? Is this the same god that forbids blood transfusions, requires 2 - 3 witnesses to crimes, including child molestation before you can even investigate an incident and this same god ordered foreskins to be collected? (so wrote the collectors)
Can't for the life of me understand how people can talk about what CHRISTians should do and not do yet disregard the teachings of CHRIST that were recorded in the same collection of books?
Black & White
It is good to walk on 2 legs
And so, why did they join the un, encourage mexican jws to pay bribes to avoid military service, suspend prayer at mexican meetings, tell hitler that they had the same ideals he did, join interfaith movements ...
The ironic thing, of course, is that the WTS has people (or at least, one person that I know of) assigned full-time to lobby diplomats for freedom of religion. They are delighted when the State Department (the US government's diplomatic arm) speaks out against persecution of JWs abroad.
But of course, that sort of irony is nothing new... the WTS has always been happy to accept the protection of armies and armed police and the freedoms of a democratic political system without participating in those institutions.
Saint & Euphemism----GREAT comments! It's unbelievable that the Watchtower wants protection and uses diplomacy but in PUBLIC---L I E S !!
Are JWs diplomatic? Well, from the days of Rutherford onward, JWs were told to "put the foot in the door, get arrested, and go to court". This religion has always prided itself in being different and just the opposite of the "world", aka "normal".
Bible prophecy and past experience clearly indicate that trusting in human diplomacy to bring peace can only lead to disappointment.
...and how many JW's have been disappointed when their prophecies failed to come true??????