The people posting on that JW Board are freaking nuts! They should just shut the whole board down because of the insanity!
by Stefanie 10 Replies latest jw friends
Steph...which JW board are ya on on AOL...the open one...or the one moderated by the NAZI Elder wannabe?
Either way I agree with you...I post(ed) there as SF5KID
Anyone on AOL should be shot. AOL sucks poo out of bloated beached whales.
well shamus,
i must remember that, my son always says "sucks swamp water"
Ha ha Wednesday!
Hey now. AOL has a place. Its role in the universe is to single-handedly cover the earth in a six-foot-deep layer of CD-ROMs. We'll thank them later. Trust me.
Well god damn somebody shoot me! I have Aol
I am talking about the board where you type in Jehovahs witnesses in the message board search engine. The people one there are so retarded. There is no link, but its call Aol people connection. I get really angry reading that board. Its like a car accident. I dont wanna look but I cant help myself.
I think it's because it's the cheapest way to go, and they're all janitors. Why have hi-speed when it's so dammed demonic anywayz. Hallelujiah! Praise jehover!
It is cheap. I cant afford high speed yet. Set up donations for me please..
Nothing wrong with not having enough $$$ for hi-speed. It depends on how much you really use it. Some people here, Dialup is cheap and good enough for they're use.
I was forced back into dialup, and my god, the horror! "Beeeeep... Beeppppppp bwwooooowwwooowowowool..wowowowo.... " Then, the sudden disconnect...
I cannot stand AOL. It's like install they're disk for 2 hours, and then hook on up! "You've got mail"... I would switch it to "Wanna Toss My Salad?"