This is something I've wondered about for some time. When I was 'in', the WTS threw those words around alot. Almost every study topic in the WT, it seemed talked about them.'s the weird part. Doesn't it make sense that if you're going to use that analogy, that it would fit a little better? For example, I have been literally hungry and thirsty, as I'm sure you have, but never did anyone have to try to convince me of it! Yet the WT was always trying to convince us of our hunger, it seems. And to take appropriate steps to do something about it ( dine at J's table, etc., blah, blah, blah.)
Sometimes, and this is funny, whole articles seemed intent on trying to force the reader to accept/acknowledge his hunger. Man, that's crazy! If you're hungry you know it! If you're thirsty you know it! And that would go for spiritual hunger as well as physical hunger, I would assume.
Would love to hear other's comments.