Do meetings help Depression?

by Gadget 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget
    They don't feel guilty if they've attended a meeting.

    That makes sense.

    Meetings ADD to depression ... and the depression occurs from the elders saying repeatedly, "You aren't doing enough!" ... " Do More!" ... "MORE!!!"

    So how would you bring up the idea to them?

  • iiz2cool

    Meetings are very effective in increasing the severity of depression.


  • Huxley

    Meetings are like a big warm hug from an abusive parent.


  • kgfreeperson

    I'm unclear, Gadget, whether you are asking for yourself or your girlfriend? Are you wondering if *you* would feel better if you went to meetings, or are you looking for a good answer for those who suggest you would? Or is your girlfriend depressed and reporting that she feels better when she goes to the meetings? I know you've had a really hard time and am hoping things are looking up!

  • CruithneLaLuna

    Drug abuse, over-indulgence in alcohol, and a variety of other things make a person feel (superficially) "good" in the short term, but can ruin one's life in the long run. It was looking at what being a JW had done to me over a period of time that led me to the conclusion that I no longer wanted any part of the religion.

    Of course, it is typically very hard for someone who is striving mightily to stay faithful ("at all costs") to take an honest, objective, somewhat balanced and unbiased look at the long-term effects.


  • shamus

    For me it was a grasping at a straw... it sounded good at the time; I was never religious and I was young and naieve. (stupid) Everyone showered me with love. It was what I needed at the time.

    Once my depression worsened, I could not stop hearing how awful we still were and how we would not make it unless we "exerted ourselves vigorously". Any bad things in my life were because of Satan. Certainly not the "organization". Not to be dramatic here but on far more than one occasion I felt suicidal after meetings, but usually totally hopeless and sad. It seemed as if I should abandon my family, and only assosiate with "God's" people. (who were mostly weirdo's...) And if I didn't like it it was my fault.

    The guilt just kept coming. Once I got treatment for my depression, I took a real good look at "The Truth" and left right away. I have never looked back.

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    The only way to depart from the hands of depression is to separate yourself from the worldly things and put yourself in the things that are good in the sight of GOD. GOD heals everything in time. "

  • Satanus

    I felt better going to meetings. I agree w huxley and laluna.


    I guess that's why so many ny bethelites jump out of windows or die emotionaly.


  • Englishman

    Associating with others is generally beneficial to depression sufferers, if only because it prevents them from introspecting for a while.




    I know people, way back who used to say the very same thing.

    Anything to save face/organizations reputation; especially over their own personal welfare.

    Going back to meetings etc., will only further repeat everything that has lead up to the very point where you are processing so much of what has lead you to where you are today.

    Believe you me, most JWs will say similarly: return to'll help your depression/sadness, etc., considering probably what ails them is the very same thing they seek: a vicious cycle.

    NO: it will not make your depression go away.

    One can delude themselves into thinking it will: I know way more, who can state otherwise.

    Thus, the existance of this board, and you here trying to rationalize a lot of what is troubling you at present.

    GADGET dude, oh how I wish you can find some comfort, some peace and strength through our pms/e-mails and posts.

    We've been there: we know.

    I used to think similarly, and when I did go back once: I was ill (sick to my stomach).

    Going back to meetings (with the expected predictable LOVE BOMBING) will last only a short period of time, and then it's back to the same old-same old.

    I'm glad you posted this. Whatever it is we can do, we will do our best to be supportive in any way shape or form.

    Best wishes,

    **PS: to add, meetings do help depression. They help make it worse.

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