oops, I forgot to say that I wish all those who loved or appreciated him peace and my condolences to his loved ones at his passing.
Historian and former JW Jim Penton dies
by slimboyfat 33 Replies latest social current
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Good summary of his life. I’d add that he spent time in Puerto Rico teaching and spoke Spanish fluently and possibly French as well due to his Canadian nationality.
I remember a passage in his book describing the Rutherford era disdain for marriage before Knorr informally changed it by getting married. There was a discernible pressure to pioneer and remain as one. So when him and his wife got married, many of their JW friends/relatives shunned their wedding in protest and went out in field service instead.
To me, Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed" is probably the finest, most studious, and academic history of the Jehovah's Witness cult every produced. Everyone else has pretty much borrowed from his thorough research. He was well educated and well spoken, and I'm sure WT HQ couldn't stand him for that reason alone. Of all of the ex-JW books I've read, only his remains. I sold the rest to other interested parties after reading twice.
My condolences to his friends and family. RIP James.
Nathan Natas
Penton was one HELL of a guy! He was the messiah, y'know!
Beth Sarim
Penton books were up there with the works of Raymond Franz & Carl O Jonson.
Instrumental & extremely helpful.
Rest well Jim! hope to see you in the Kingdom.
I had the pleasure of welcoming him as a guest in my home for several days in the late 1990s. He was so knowledgeable about JW history and the shenanigans of Rutherford and others at HQ. I think he was a tad disappointed that I realized that I was atheist, but he never criticized me for not being "Christian".
He leaves behind a great legacy of shared knowledge of JWs, the Organization™ and its history.
Are you feeling OK?
Nathan Natas
Vanderhoven7 inquored, "Nathan,Are you feeling OK?"
I'll be OK; I get nauseous in the presence of creature worship. It is almost as nauseating as the worship of imaginary creatures.
How you doin'?
I'm doing fine thank you.
I hope you are right because I am used to seeing more positive well thought out comments being expressed in your posts. I actually thought for a second that someone might have stolen your identity. 😎