They're supposed 2 b alright.
Fireworks to be avoided at all birthday parties and Bethel dedications!
by shotgun 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Shotgun Good catch.
I swear the left hand dosen't know what the right hand is doing, when it comes to the writing dept. (piniata article)
It would be interesting to see the whole article, but if it's like any of their previous rubbish, they don't have to come out and condemn anthing. Just it's mention in the Awake mag, with it's pagan history, will be enough for the rank and file, to translate it as "fireworks are pagan and from the devil, and JWs should not "partake" of them "
I wonder if sparklers at my piniata party are OK?
What a bunch of jokers!
The fireworks ban is supposedly going to include lighting your farts with a bic lighter at social gatherings. Especially yours which would be appropriately deemed inspired utterances of demons
Winston Smith :>D
show me a picture please of 1. badboy
I think this is what shotgun is talking about. You have to be careful because they are known to explode from a rear impact, hense the blindfold:
Winston Smith :>D
Hi shotgun,
Ummm, interesting.
I wonder what the wifely unit would say if I laid out this article, the Pinto article, the recent Birthstone article, and then some WTS literature on Birthdays and X-mas.
I think her mind would have to lock up to avoid seeing the obvious hypocrisy.
For whoever asked; the article on pinatas is from the August 22nd, 2003 Watchtower. Sorry, I don't have a scanner so I can't post it.
Shotgun. Does that mean I have to cancel my membership in the "Blue Angels" club?
Winston. I missed the birthstone article. What were the "gems" of truth in that one?
Winston Smith :>D
Hi xjw-b12,
How are you doing? Seems like you have been light in posting of late.
I missed the birthstone article. What were the "gems" of truth in that one?
Ummm, it's in a recent "Question from
FictitiousReaders", can't recall which one it is though. Guessing Feb or March 'o4.Basically, birthstones are Satan's creation, and if we use a birthstone for something that is even remotely related to observing a person's birth, we will grow two pointy horns on our head.
But if we don't use them in this fashion, then we will "probably be saved during the great day of jehover's piss-ed-off-ed-ness"
In the end, the WTS says it's a conscience matter
You should read it. It's a real 'diamond' in the rough
XJW B12.... the gemstone Winston is referring to is the 500 tons of coal J.F Rutherford purchased in 1918 which signalled Jehovahs approval of the Organization which he subsequently took lump by lump and turned into diamonds by compressing it in his arse cheeks. This funded the worldwide work for some years.
RE: Posting the article about pinatas...
Yeah, great if it's no trouble for you.
Just continuing to be amazed at the stuff that comes out of the "headquarters gang", and reflecting that I used to buy into their crap hook, line and sinker...