W7/1/30 205But when the Lord invented the radio, he started something that is calculated to cause great anxiety to such pastors as have made his pleasant portion a desolate wilderness; and some of them now admit as much. Nevertheless the radio is here, and nothing can prevent the truth from going out by that means and penetrating where otherwise it could never reach.
W12/1/30 359 In what manner could this witness work be done except by means of the radio and by a publication of books containing the message of the truth? The Lord himself has made this provision, and it is the duty and privilege of his anointed ones to make use of that which the Lord has provided.
W12/15/30 381 The Lord has, just at the right time, brought the radio into action, which permits the people to remain in their homes and listen to a proclamation of the truth, regardless of the opposition of the prison-keepers, the clergy. Knowing this, the clergymen unite with Big Business to control the radio and, if possible, to prevent the truth from being broadcast.
Light 1 154 The British and American clergy, through the public press and from their pulpits, set up a dreadful howl following the expose of the League of Nations and other parts of Satan?s organization. Big Business, working under cover with politicians and the clergy, proceeded to monopolize the radio in the lands of Britain and did practically the same thing in America, although the radio belongs to the Lord.
Light 1 315 The radio belongs to Jehovah. (Psalm 80:11) He brought it into existence for his purposes, and Satan?s agents attempt to monopolize it; but in due time God will manifest his supremacy in this and in all other things.
Hmmmm...what would Marconi have to say?