Secular history gives much evidence to show that the survivors of Noah?s Flood were real historical figures, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world ?
Evidence that populations descended from the 16 grandsons of Noah
by hooberus 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
That's a funny conclusion, all it proves (if it does) is that they existed. It certainly does not prove that they were the only ones on earth and they populated the entire earth.Conclusion
We have only taken the briefest glance at Noah?s sixteen grandsons,14 but enough has been said to show that they really did live, that they were who the Bible says they were, and that their descendants are identifiable on the pages of history. Not only is the Bible not a collection of myths and legends, but it stands alone as the key to the history of the earliest ages of the world. -
City Fan
Or maybe the writers and redactors of these myths chose names for Noah's grandsons that were the same as nations that existed at the time??
Come on Hooberus, that article is pure drivel.
zen nudist
genetics tell a very different story... according to the most recent data only ONE major tribe of humans left africa and are at the foundation of all other peoples on earth...the richest genetic diversity of the planet among humans still resides among its most ancient tribes who never africa alone are the greatest genetic differences as one would expect of all other humans come from only one tribe that left....and this would not be the case had any global flood wiped out all humans but one family...the tribes in africa would likewise show the same genetic closeness that all other humans currently share, which is not the case.
The story that Noah and his sons populated the earth has never been proven, but the article you mention does show what I have read many time before and that is that Noah was possibly a real person, he is thought to be one of the Kings of Sumer as his sons may have been. Nimrod they say may have been nonother then Saragon of Akkad. So that is all this proves. they could be historical.. It does not prove that Noah had a big flood and did all the populating of the earth.
In fact, there is a problem with that theroy in that the lineages of the kings continued right through the time of the flood till quite some time after it was suppose to have happened. There seems to be no break in the cities that were built. It seems strange that a city like Jerico would be built right on top of it's self after the flood, and the arguement that "Well it was a prime spot" is not an arguement at all becasue the entie landscape was suppose to have changed due to the flood and should have had a major sediment layer that would have come from the flood, yet there is none.
The genetics evidence is a matter of debate (see below). However, it does confirm that we came from common ancestors (compatible with the Adam/Noah claim), which has debunked some classic evolution thought (can?t call it a "fact" anymore...). Also, it is interesting that the dating of the genetic time line is growing smaller and smaller as knowledge progresses.
Human Migration Patterns: In a December 1999 article in the journal Science, Philip Awadalla of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland basically says that those early assumptions may not be fully true. If not, the rate of mutation for mtDNA, often thought of as 1 mutation every 10,000 years, will have to be recalculated. He says this because there may be some reason to suspect that male and female mtDNA somehow combine. It has been known that male mtDNA in sperm is destroyed by the egg after fertilization. It is anybody's guess how male DNA, mtDNA could be involved with the female mtDNA. More studies will have to be done to replicate this study and to further it.
And which of Noah's sons do the Navaho, the Australian aborigines, the Zulu in Africa, and the Basque in Europe come from?????
Bottle necking of the gene pool has happened a couple times in human evolution. This is typical of slow breeding species. To interpret this phenomenon that genetisists say happened the last time hundreds of thousands of years ago as proof of the Flood it patent intellectual dishonesty.
Hooberus, that link amounts to nothing more than fictional etymology and bizarre assertions that are not supported by any legitamate research. Jupiter is derivative of Japheth? Why? because they both start with J in English!
Jupiter actually derives from Indo-European *diew "god" + *pter "father", i.e. "father god". A more plausible cognate with "Japheth" is Gk. Iapeteos.