its that time agian

by LukeN 10 Replies latest social family

  • LukeN

    yes yes its exam time and the end of semester 1 and the begginging of semester 2.

    sigh. all i know is that i failed math and the exams are worth 30% of your final mark.

  • cruzanheart

    I'm sorry, LukeN! Math was never my best subject either.


  • Nosferatu
    yes yes its exam time and the end of semester 1 and the begginging of semester 2.

    Stupid me, I thought the memorial was coming up.

    Good luck on your exams

  • onacruse

    I love calculus! LOL

    Good luck on your exams.


  • Valis

    Good luck and don't forget to check out for scholarship opportunities for next go round.


    District Overbeer of the "Forever Adjunct" class

  • Gopher

    Good luck on your exams, Luke N.

    Craig, which definition of CALCULUS do you love most???

    1. Pathology An abnormal concretion in the body, usually formed of mineral salts and found in the gallbladder, kidney, or urinary bladder, for example.
    2. Dentistry See tartar (sense 1).
    3. Mathematics a. The branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables. b. A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation. c. The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus.
    4. A system or method of calculation: ?[a] dazzling grasp of the nation's byzantine budget calculus? (David M. Alpern).

  • Sentinel

    Well, at least it sounds like you are still going to public school. That is a plus for the JW, to at least have some adventures into reality. Home schooling stops all of that for sure.

    I always disliked functional math as taught in school and barely got by with low B's and C's. Right after graduation, I somehow found myself with a bookkeeping job. It seems like my nitche after all, as I am still doing that some 40 years later.


  • Badger

    I hate math...that's why I'm a soccer coach...I only have to count the score to 6 or 7.

  • Emma

    And I thought you meant Girl Scout Cookie time!


  • xjw_b12

    Luke Good Luck. I was exceptional at math, until we advanced past the multilication and division tables, and then it was all down hill from there.

    And I thought you meant Girl Scout Cookie time!


    Now Emma, you wouldn't be supporting an organization that is part of "Babylon the Great" would ya?

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