I WANT the award!!! Please VOTE LOGICAL!!!!!
by seven006 40 Replies latest jw friends
I WANT the award!!! Please VOTE LOGICAL!!!!!
Don't youstart. Didn't you learn anything from You Know's chastisement?
Why don't cha sue me! I'm uh-waitin'... Do you think you can pull it off? Why don't you give it a try, huh!
Here's part of a reply I made to you in the other thread:
Quite clearly you are not only pro-apostate, as well as a God- dishonoring apostate yourself, but you are a sneeky one at that. You slithered right on out around my point, Sneeker. Since you have earned the name "Sneeker", you shouldn't whimper anymore when you hear me address you as such. Until you change and stop your sneaking around, I will continue to annoy you with that name -- a name that fits YOUR character.
I may be gettin' close to my 25-per day posting limit due to jackin' 'round with clowns like you, so if I don't show back up today it's not because I'm afraid of getting chastised by a trio of twirps.
Why would I sue you? Didn't you read what I told You Know, and how I feel about such actions?
Or is this another one of your slurs?
<logical: No!!! I WANT the award!!! Please VOTE LOGICAL!!!!!>
Ok, that's one vote for ligical by logical. Talk about an oxymoron.
If this is an attempt to make me feel stupid, it's working.
Hey Dave if you gave that award at Tishies it might be faster just to list who doesn't recive it HAHAHAHHA!!!
You're so right, Venice! lolol
JanG gets my vote
yadirf-your intellect is simply astounding! and your sense of humor-it's perfection! might want to loosen your tie, bud, you could use the oxygen.-nate
BTW, the shit under the lip is ... old.... It belongs to Fred.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sooooooooo ... you've had your lips up against Fred's butt! Quite an admission there, TR. BTW, I was wondering what the "TR" stands for. Let me guess ... "THE RUNS", right?
Nice cut and paste job. LOL! Now I'll know how your get you info to justify WTS doctrine.
No, no, no. When I was a JW, unfortunately my head was up my own ass, I'll humbly admit that much. So, part of the reason I'm on this site is to help extricate those who still have their head's up their asses. There's lots of help on this forum, Yadikbreath. Just ask.
"TR" stands for "Tremendous Research". Avail yourself of it.
"Kults Suk"
Cool! I had one, too, a few years back. It wasn't a monthly award, though, just presented occasionally as someone earned it. Here ya go:
JanG gets my vote
I suppose that's for the habit she has of keeping you on her mailing list after you've asked her fifty times to take you off of it?