Just sitting here thinking it's possible that the end could infact come in our life time. Serious now i have had many dreams from GOD or Jesus Christ where i did infact survive the time & hour of armageddon and it was good. What yall think, are you giving up hope or are you praying that it would come? But to be honest im pretty sure it's gonna come before the year 3000. Im just guessing but it's good to have hope and have good thoughts on this subject.
you know what
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t 29 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I don't know how many you think will survive Armageddon, but JWs believe that 99.9% of the earth's population will be extinguished. I don't think that's such a comforting thought.
If your a dub it's 99.9%. If your a fundy......it's a bit less.....but not much. Fundys believe everyone who doesn't accept Jesus will die. That leaves out at least a few million muslims who have never even heard of him, a few million hindu's and a few million buddists. At least u2k will be safe though.
When I was in high school, I studied the Bible with a kid my age named Juan. I remember reading world events in the newspaper and telling him, "You know, the way things are coming together, I really can't see this system lasting much longer. I think the New System will be here by the end of this year, next year by the latest."
That, of course, was 11 years ago. World events change. Crises come and go. People have been thinking the end of the world would come in their lifetime for 2000 years, and none of them have been right.
Just some food for thought.
In terms of the end, i believe the end is near as far as the world's 4 some odd billion years of existence. Is the end near in our lifetimes, probably not. All we're told is that we don't know, but it will come at a time when we least expect it (jesus' return), so whateva. When i was a kid i remember going to every meeting and hearing the elders saying the end is near, the end is near and we need to be prepared, which translated into my mind as i'm not going to live past the age of 13, i'm ont goign to have sex, i'm not going to be able to drink, i'm not going to be able to "play" with my friends (the list goes on and on). So IMHO, who cares if the end is near or not. we're told that it would come at a time when we wouldn't expect it.
btw, UK, are you a wannabe prophet =P having visions in dreams and all =)
U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
That's one of my fav quotes from the bible: It would come at a time when we would not expect it.<< That's quoted different, but it's close. When im on the computer my bible is not near me, so i quote chapters and verse's the best i can.
And to answer your question dustyb: Now im not a prophet and i never will be one, yes i would like to be one, you know rise up the dead, heal people , bring thunderstorms to people to make them see a change and to make them change. But i cant so i just ride with whatever. And about my dreams i had 4 dreams in the past 2 years about armageddon/Jesus christ/New Heaven and New Earth and again Armageddon. And in all my dreams i survive and woke up crying because i was scared and happy that i made it though it. I strongly believe those dreams was either sent from GOD or Jesus to let me know they are close to me and even tho i have flaws they love me and was telling me That the end will come in my life time. Infact in my dream before armageddon came i was speaking to somebody about how i was 36 years old and still living.
Strange that about the dreams i had, in each one this man would come up to me and scream real loud about how Vultures is coming, and right after he said that, armageddon came. I survive and then i woke up and then i started to break down and cry and give glory to GOD and Jesus christ. No joke it was too real, scared me str.
Hey UK...you got some formula for living until 3000ce? Maverick
Satans little helper
the end will come like a thief in the night, noone expects the Spanish inquisition!
"Falsehood is what the prophets are prophesying in my name. I have not sent them, nor have I commanded them or spoken to them. A false vision and divination and a valueless thing and trickiness of their heart they are speaking prophetically to you people." Jeremiah 14:14
Is that you U2K?
Ken P.