Bart Erhman states, in this You Tube short presumably taken from the video series he has been doing with Megan Lewis*, that Jesus said the God of the OT, the God of Jeremiah, is not the (same)God as Jesus. Bart continues "Jeremiah's God killed (the children) - Jesus said let the children come to me. Jesus' God said turn the other cheek" - the OT God was war-like etc (paraphrasing Bart here a bit).
It's always been the thing that stopped my fully embracing the Bible after leaving Watchtower. I think it's true of many...who can help but love Jesus? But the OG of the OT?? Without the concept of "who can know his ways" etc etc, there's no defence of so much cruelty he dishes out. Erhman is correct, he couldn't be more different than Jesus. Unless I'm going nuts I don't remember Jesus saying this?! Did he say it somewhere else??
*(B.Phil, M.A. Assyriology & Near Eastern Studies) Megan runs the channel Digital Hammurabi with Dr. Josh Bowen.