Much fuss about nothing?

by Norm 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Hey all,

    Having been around the Internet for about 7 years now and spent many years on H2O I have observed the activity of Fred Hall and You Know both there and here. People are of course free to do whatever they want, but personally I don't understand why anybody will bother with these two "village idiots".

    Why not ignore them completely. In my opinion they haven't even got entertainment value, because they never change their act. Why would anyone have any need to respond to their insanities? Lately a good deal of space and energy on this board has been spent on these two fools, why? Do you really think that's going to accomplish anything?
    Do any of you here think you can make these guy's understand anything?


  • logical

    Fredhall is simply getting a point across, its taken you all how long? And all you think is he is just being stupid. Its really quite amusing from this end.

    As soon as you understand Fredhall, then you should realise what he is all about.

  • Tina

    Still enjoying the 'spoils' of your vacation hun? lol

    Seriously, you're spot on regarding yk and fh.
    Altho some see yk as providing an example of the rabid jw mindset,I feel that's it's been over-done now. What's the word Im looking for here? Over-exposed-over-saturated???(help a sistah out lol)

    What they have done in the past and continue to do now is disrupt very good threads/topics .Ad nauseum.
    I jumped into one fray the other day because yk simply went beyond the pale of human decency.
    There is one aspect of this I like right now. Some of us finally are able to tell them what we think of them without being censored.
    yk can't go screamin and hidin behind moddys like he was once able to do. Hopefully once we get that out of our system,we can go on to ignore their insanity.
    Just ramblin here Sir Viking.Luv ya,Tina


    Yes, it does seem they'll let any nutter on this site just to entertain us. Why can't we stick to the exiting topic of JWs.

    Next they'll be allowing vikings and gladiators on! Where wil it all end?

    Do you er like Gladiators?

  • larc

    Regarding Fred Hall and You Know,

    What is the point of being ignorant unless you can't show it off!

    Now, these two are a valuable resource as JT and others have pointed out. They allow lurkers who are sitting on the fence to see their theocratic represenatives and this may help them to move off the fence and move on.

  • logical

    Gladiators suck

  • logical

    Larc, no offense, but you just dont get it.

  • larc


    No offense taken. When I get it, I will let you know.

  • Francois

    Hey Norm:

    I've made the same observation and suggestion, but with little effect. And I recognize that it's frequently difficult to resist booting someone in the poot when they so richly deserve it.

    But those of us who regard those two with utter scorn can, as you say, best express it by ignoring them altogether; silence being the ultimate expression of contempt.


  • Abaddon

    I mused much the same myself a few weeks ago, tho' as I said then, I'd probably break my resolve! But maybe it is once a converter always a converter.

    logical, you said;

    As soon as you understand Fredhall, then you should realise what he is all about.

    What's to understand? I mean, if a dog barks, it's afraid, angry, territorial, randy, hungry, lonely, cold or hurt.

    Doesn't stop the barking being a pain.

    Can I ask you a serious question logical?

    I'm honestly not trying to make an insult out of this, I am curious.

    Do you have any medical conditions. I ask as there are several that might explain what some people kindly see as a 'inability to communicate'. I'm not going to prompt you on which ones they are (the medical conditions), but if you DO have one of them, it might mean that you are not an asshole and should be given some breaks.

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